Tourlida is an islet of Patras Gulf, located three miles (five kilometers) away from Messolonghi. It owes its name to a seabird species.
This area was surrounded by water until 1885 when a road was finally constructed to the mainland. This construction work led to the separation of the Kleisova lagoon from the rest of the Messolonghi lagoon.
During the sunset, the sky forms an idyllic scene with these wooden houses known as pelades as the backdrop. These houses were used by fishermen to store their equipment and as a place to stay during the winter. It's rumored that the famous Greek poet, Kostis Palamas, once lived in one of the wooden houses.
The area is protected by the Natura 2000 network, due to the various species of flora and fauna that exist throughout the area.
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March 17, 2021