julfremondiere's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
San Francisco, California

Jack Kerouac Alley

Wander down a side street dedicated to one of the members of the Beat Generation.
San Francisco, California

Albino Redwood

Under the shadow of its towering parent tree, a rare specimen of sequoia produces ghostly white leaves.
San Francisco, California

'Street Whale'

Part mural and part sculpture, this work of art sits in the middle of the Promenade, as if swimming in a river of asphalt towards the ocean.
San Francisco, California

Gilbert Baker Memorial

A tribute to the artist and activist who created the rainbow pride flag.
San Francisco, California

The Walrus Heads of the Financial District

These six walrus head statues harken back to a time when this area wasn't far from the oceanfront.
San Francisco, California

'The Allegory of California'

The first fresco Diego Rivera painted in the United States can be found in the former San Francisco Stock Exchange.
San Francisco, California

Corporate Goddess Sculptures

Faceless white figures loom over the city from the rooftop.
San Francisco, California

Chamber of Secrets Door

This residential door allows San Francisco muggles a glimpse at the wizarding world.
San Francisco, California

450 Sutter Street

Nestled in the heart of San Francisco’s bustling Financial District stands a unique homage to the Mayan and Beaux Arts.
San Francisco, California

Faery Door

San Franciscans leave gifts and messages for the magical beings that live behind the tiny, mysterious door installed on a tree in Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

Secret Tiled Staircase

An artsy hidden staircase leads to breathtaking views of San Francisco.
Los Angeles, California

Fine Arts Building Atrium

A Romanesque sanctuary of calm amid the bustle of downtown Los Angeles.
San Diego, California

Zoro Garden

Swarms of butterflies cannot compare to the awe inspired by the publicly-funded nakedness once displayed in this sunken garden.
San Diego, California

San Diego Museum of Us

An extraordinarily ornate museum in San Diego holds wondrous anthropological treasures.
San Diego, California

Spruce Street Suspension Bridge

An inconspicuous footbridge beloved by San Diego locals.
Chula Vista, California

Lower Otay Reservoir

The American rainmaker and a burst dam.