deniseodat4me's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Fairbanks, Alaska


The sculpture's largest spire points directly toward the North Star.
Anchorage, Alaska

Turnagain Arm Bore Tide

During the summer, surfers in Alaska take advantage of this inlet’s unusual water patterns.
Homer, Alaska

Salty Dawg Saloon

Buy your friend a drink or staple some cash to the wall for the next guy at the Salty Dawg Saloon.
Whittier, Alaska

Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel

Running under an entire mountain, the longest highway tunnel in North America is kept fresh using portal fans and jet fans.
Anchorage, Alaska

Anchorage Light Speed Planet Walk

A high school astronomy enthusiast designed this model of our solar system to be traversed on foot.
Hyder, Alaska


The easternmost town in Alaska can only be accessed from Canada.
Skagway, Alaska

White Pass & Yukon Route Railroad

A historic freight system that found the true gold rush is in tourism.

Arctic Circle Monument Sign

The stickered marker pinpoints where the only maintained road in the United States crosses into the polar region.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Blue Babe

North America's first frozen mummified remains of an ice age steppe bison, the 36,000 year-old mummy named "Blue Babe."
Palmer, Alaska

Musk Ox Farm

An Alaska livestock farm devotes itself to harvesting wool from creatures that once ran with mammoths and sabertooth tigers.
Ketchikan, Alaska

Totem Bight State Historical Park

This historic collection of Native Alaskan artifacts was resurrected through a partnership between the WPA and tribal artisans.
Whittier, Alaska

Whittier, Alaska

This small city where almost everyone lives in the same building can only be reached via North America's longest tunnel.
Anchorage, Alaska

Burial Spirit Houses

Colorful boxes placed over the dead are left to rot and crumble.
Cantwell, Alaska

Igloo City

Four-story concrete hotel never opened to customers.
Anchorage, Alaska

Worlds Largest Chocolate Waterfall

While not recognized by Guinness, this chocolate waterfall is likely to be the world's largest.
Chitina, Alaska

Kennicott Ghost Town

The ghostly remains of what was once the world's richest copper mine.
Juneau, Alaska

Mendenhall Glacier

A rare chance to get up close and personal with a 13-mile ribbon of ice near downtown Juneau.
Juneau, Alaska

The Upside-Down Forest of Glacier Gardens

Upside-down trees serve as natural flower pots in this hanging garden of Alaska.
Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska


The king of U.S. high points towers over every other peak on the continent.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Aurora Ice Museum

Mind-blowing carvings and fantasy ice scenes grace the largest year-round ice environment in the world.
Talkeetna, Alaska

Dr. Seuss House aka The Goose Creek Tower

This whimsical stacked cabin looks like something out of a children's book.
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas

Buffalo Soldier Monument

An epic statue dedicated to the memory of the 9th and 10th Cavalry Regiments of the U.S. Army
Hiawatha, Kansas

Davis Memorial

This massive marble memorial was built bit by bit either out of devotion or spite, but at the expense of the surrounding town.
Concordia, Kansas

Whole Wall Mural

This three-dimensional brick mural is the longest of its kind in the United States.