xsushisaiko's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Brașov, Romania

Biserica Neagră (The Black Church)

A fire once nearly devoured this gorgeous 14th-century Gothic cathedral.
Municipiul Sebeș, Romania

Râpa Roșie

Romania's "Red Ravine" is a little-known natural wonder that bears a resemblance to the Grand Canyon.
Dubova, Romania

Decebal's Head

A giant portrait of an ancient king looms over the river.
Bran, Romania

Bran Castle

The possible imprisonment of Vlad the Impaler here earned the medieval castle its nickname, "Dracula's Castle."
Sinaia, Romania

Peleș Castle

This elaborately decorated, fairytale-like Romanian royal palace is one of the most striking castles in Europe.
Oslo, Norway

Oslo Opera House

The design of this beautifully crafted building was inspired by Norwegian glaciers.
Oslo, Norway

Vigeland Sculpture Park

One man's exploration of the human form, including the bizarre and delightful "Man Attacked by Babies."
Paris, France

Petite Ceinture

Abandoned railway line circling the city of Paris.
Łapalice, Poland

Łapalice Castle

This imposing 20th-century castle was abandoned before it was ever completed.
Tallinn, Estonia

Väike-Õismäe District

A series of concentric circles represented a bold new experiment in socialist urban planning, and it notoriously difficult to get around.
gołdapski, Poland

Stańczyki Viaducts

The two abandoned overpasses are among the largest bridges in Poland.

Trójstyk Granic

A small granite monument marks where the borders of three countries meet.
Malbork, Poland

Malbork Castle

This 13th century Gothic brick castle is the largest in the world by surface area.
Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn Black Angus Sculpture

A unique sculpture calls the outside of this steakhouse home.
Tallinn, Estonia

Hellemann Tower and City Walls

Walk along the medieval fortifications that have been protecting Tallinn since the 14th century.
Koogi, Estonia

Jägala Waterfall

The widest natural waterfall in Estonia is a sight to see in all seasons.
Tallinn, Estonia


The oldest continuously operating pharmacy in Europe.
Tallinn, Estonia


An empty relic of the Moscow Olympics crumbles away in Estonia's capital.
Riga, Latvia

Monument to the Latvian Riflemen

A statue built to honor the elite soldiers who fought for Latvia during World War I.
Liepāja, Latvia

Karosta North Pier

The mile-long pier stretches from a ruined fortress out into the Baltic.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Literatų Gatvė (Literature Street)

Plaques celebrating Lithuanian writers freckle a wall of this picture-perfect path.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Stebuklas Miracle Tile

While this monument tile is shrouded in mystery it also marks the end of the longest ever human chain.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Palace of Concerts and Sports

An abandoned masterpiece of Soviet Brutalist architecture.
Vilnius, Lithuania

The Mermaid of Užupis

Travelers who fall victim to this mermaid's charms are destined to stay in Užupis forever.