agboe's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Rennes-le-Château, France
Places edited in Stockport, England
Places visited in Stockport, England
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Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Prague, Czechia

Statue of Franz Kafka

A surreal statue honoring Prague's favorite literary son.
Blackpool, England

Comedy Carpet

A typographic tribute to the many comedic greats who make Great Britain laugh.
Ulverston, England

The Laurel and Hardy Museum

This museum dedicated to the famous comedy duo is located in the town where Stan Laurel was born.
Liverpool, England

Eleanor Rigby Statue

This bronze statue was dedicated to a 1966 Beatles hit.
Manchester, England

Hanging Ditch Bridge

The construction of this bridge dates back to the 15th century.
Manchester, England

'A New Broom'

This statue of an everyday cleaning tool sits proud upon a plinth in Manchester's coolest quarter.
Manchester, England

The Shakespeare

This haunted 17th-century pub was moved to a new city when it was already almost 300 years old.
Stockport, England

Winter's Clock

Three mechanical figures—a soldier, a sailor, and Father Time—announce the time on this local landmark.
Manchester, England


Over 70 independent businesses have set up shop in this former Victorian department store.
Manchester, England

The Haçienda Apartments

This building's name and a plaque are all that's left of what was probably the most important nightclub of the Madchester music scene.
Manchester, England

Where Rolls Met Royce

Two of the most notable names in automobile history are commemorated at the place where they're said to have first met.
York, England

National Railway Museum York

The National Railway Museum in York is the largest railway museum in the world, attracting almost 1 million visitors per year.
Rocamadour, France


This medieval village clings to a cliff in southwestern France.
La Rochelle, France

La Maison du Chat (The Cat House)

No one knows the story behind the mysterious feline perched on this rooftop.
Stockport, England

Stockport Air Raid Shelters

Nicknamed the 'Chestergate Hotel,' the underground tunnel had beds, lights, and even flushing toilets.
Cahors, France

Pont Valentre

A 14th century bridge built as a fortress, where the devil lurks on one of its towers.
Alet-les-Bains, France

L'église de Saint-Salvayre

This mysterious church sits discreetly above the Aude countryside, right in the heart of "Grail Country."
Vers-Pont-du-Gard, France

Pont du Gard

This ancient Roman bridge and aqueduct still stands as a wonder of classical construction.
Bollington, England

White Nancy

A strange Georgian folly sits atop a lonely hill.
Manchester, England

The Undamaged Red Post Box

The small bright red pillar survived the 1996 Manchester bombing virtually unscathed.
Manchester, England

Guardian Telephone Exchange Tunnels

This nondescript building hides an entrance to an underground nuclear tunnel system.
Kotor, Montenegro

Fortifications of Kotor

These historic defenses ensured the city within would survive hundreds of years of occupations, sieges, and invasions.
Matlock Bath, England

Matlock Bath

A seaside town with no sea in sight.