aphrawilson 1fe575ba's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Kilmartin, Scotland
Places visited in Anstruther, Scotland
Places visited in Dunmore, Scotland
Places visited in Perth and Kinross, Scotland
Edinburgh, Scotland

Cramond Lioness

This Roman relic was discovered in Scotland by a mudlarking ferryman.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Surgeons' Hall Museums

A book bound in the skin of an infamous criminal, along with countless other specimens.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Talbot Rice Gallery

Once designed as a natural history museum, this building is now home to a massive art gallery.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Blair Street Underground Vaults

A labyrinthine network of chambers with a storied past hides below Edinburgh's South Bridge.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Bakehouse Close

This alley off Edinburgh's Royal Mile contains remnants of the city's seedier history.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dunbar's Close

A verdant 17th-century-style garden hidden along Edinburgh’s Royal Mile.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Canongate Kirkyard

This Scottish graveyard is the final resting place of the man who inspired the character Ebenezer Scrooge.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Jacob's Ladder

This obscure walkway links Edinburgh’s Old Town with one of the city's prime vantage points.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Old Calton Cemetery

A 18th century graveyard and its astonishing cortege of macabre iconography.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Sanctuary Stones

A series of three shiny letters mark the boundary of an old refuge for those being pursued by debt collectors.
Edinburgh, Scotland

New Calton Cemetery Watchtower

Overlooking the burial ground is a tower designed to prevent thieves from snatching the recently deceased.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Muschats's Cairn

This stack of stones honors a murdered 18th-century woman.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Coade Stone Columns

It's a mystery how these curious columns wound up in an Edinburgh suburb.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Grave of 'The Great Lafayette'

A magician and his beloved, pampered canine were buried together, within days of each other, due to a tragic twist of fate.
Seton Mains, Scotland

Seton Collegiate Church

The ruins of a 15th-century church once home to priests who prayed for a single family's salvation.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Quality Yard

Enter this small nook and you'll be surrounded by 360 degrees of street art.
North Berwick, Scotland

Ruins of Tantallon Castle

The one-time stronghold of the noble Douglas family, now home to ghost sightings and nesting birds.
East Lothian, Scotland

Bass Rock

This tiny island is home to the world's largest colony of Northern gannets.
Isle of May, Scotland

Isle of May Beacon

This short white tower is all that's left of Scotland's first permanently manned lighthouse.
Perth, Scotland

North Inch

In 1396, two Scottish clans that had been violently feuding for centuries finally faced off in a bloody battle in this park.
Abernethy, Scotland

Abernethy Round Tower

One of two Irish-style round towers in Scotland, this structure has mysterious origins.
Dundee, Scotland

The Howff Cemetery

People leave coins atop an unusual grave marker in one of Scotland's oldest burial grounds.
Dundee, Scotland

Grissel Jaffray Memorial

A pair of mosaics marks the spot where the last accused witch of Dundee was put to death.
Elie, Scotland

Elie Chain Walk

The only fixed chain and post trail in Scotland snakes its way along the base of a towering seaside cliff.