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Places visited in Curitiba, Brazil
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Ubatuba, Brazil

Ubatuba Whale

What killed this humpback whale is a mystery, but its remains have become legendary.
Canela, Brazil

Mundo a Vapor

This attraction is devoted to the wonders of steam power and features a replica of one of its most public disasters.
Curitiba, Brazil

Museu Oscar Niemeyer

Museum precariously perched on a massive yellow pillar.
Curitiba, Brazil

Curitiba Botanical Gardens

Solitary monument dedicated to the beauty of nature.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro Cathedral

This massive Brazilian church is built like an angular, technicolor pyramid left by Mayans from the future.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Escadaria Selarón Mosaic Steps

A 125-meter long "tribute to the Brazilian people."
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Parque Lage

Beautiful public park off the beaten path and away from tourists.
Santos, Brazil

Leaning Towers of Santos

Something about this Brazilian city is slightly askew... literally.
São Paulo, Brazil

Butantan Snake Institute

A snake farm famous for its venemous varieties.
São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo Pedestrian Signal Lights

The pedestrian traffic signals in Brazil's teeming metropolis light up with clues to nearby landmarks.
São Paulo, Brazil

Livraria da Vila

The bookstore with bookshelves built into unlikely places.
São Paulo, Brazil

Castelinho da Rua Apa

Striking ruins of a mansion that stood center stage in one of modern Brazil's most puzzling crimes.