ashleydevore1996's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kokomo, Indiana

Old Ben Pavilion

More than 100 years after his death, the world's largest steer is still attracting crowds.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indiana Steam Clock

At the top of the hour, this steam-powered clock's eight brass whistles play "Back Home Again in Indiana."
Peru, Indiana

Seven Pillars of the Mississinewa

A set of tall pillars and alcove-like rooms that are significant to the Miami people of Indiana.
Kokomo, Indiana

Kokomo Hum

Low-frequency noise compared to an idling train can only be heard by some of this industrial town's residents.
Richmond, Indiana

Gennett Walk of Fame

This Indiana walk of fame honors music legends with record-shaped plaques in the pavement.
Kokomo, Indiana

Seiberling Mansion

An opulent testament to the boom-and-bust history of industry in north central Indiana.
Wabash, Indiana

Modoc's Market

This shop is named for a runaway elephant who smashed through its doors, stole some peanuts, and spent five days on the lam.
Kokomo, Indiana


Along this stretch of Indiana roadway resides a giant insect composed entirely of scrap metal.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Market Street Catacombs

A hidden network of subterranean passageways lies tangled beneath Indianapolis' bustling City Market.