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Places visited in Aksum, Ethiopia
Places visited in Lalibela, Ethiopia
Places added to Ethiopia
Derby, Australia

Derby Boab 'Prison Tree'

Critics argue this boab tree has been mislabeled for the sake of dark tourism, undermining its spiritual significance.
Purnululu, Australia

Bungle Bungle Range

These Australian rock formations look like Martian beehives that have grown up out of the landscape.
Sturt Creek, Australia

Wolfe Creek Crater

A stray meteor left this picturesque hole in the Australian outback.
Umm ar-Rasas, Jordan

Um er-Rasas

The remains of three different ancient civilizations have been found at this rich archaeological site.
Petra District, Jordan


An ancient capital city that dates back 3,000 years old and harbors many surprises.
Petra District, Jordan

Little Petra

A more chill but no less fascinating version of the famous ancient archeological site.
Madaba, Jordan

Madaba Mosaic Map

The world's oldest map of the holy land gives us a fragmented glimpse of the layout of biblical nations.
Amman, Jordan

Hand of Hercules

The most gigantic, swoony, intimidating trio of fingers in all of antiquity.
Jerash, Jordan

The Ruins of Jerash

Gladiators battle and chariots race daily in the ruins of a once-great Roman city.

Qasr Amra

A bathhouse from the second Islamic Caliphate decorated with frescoes of constellations, pleasure gardens, and naked ladies.
Lalibela, Ethiopia

Ben Abeba

An otherworldly restaurant perched on the edge of a jagged cliff next to a medieval holy city.
Aksum, Ethiopia

Chapel of the Tablet

Supposedly this Ethiopian chapel holds the Ark of the Covenant, guarded by virgins who cannot leave the building.

Yemrehanna Kristos Church

An ancient Ethiopian cave church is endangered by the simple building of a road.
Lalibela, Ethiopia

Bete Giyorgis of Lalibela

An Ethiopian "Jerusalem" featuring a church hewn out of a single rock.
Aksum, Ethiopia

Obelisk of Axum

Massive stele returned to Ethiopia after 70 years in Rome.
Qesm Saint Katrin, Egypt

St. Catherine's Monastery

Charnel house at the foot of Mount Sinai.