cjohns36's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Hudson, New York
Places edited in Lakewood, Colorado
Places edited in Wilmington, Illinois
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Tulsa, Oklahoma

Meadow Gold Sign

This 1930s-era Route 66 Tulsa landmark was moved, restored, and filled with neon.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

'The Majestic'

This massive Art Deco-inspired mural was the world's largest augmented reality artwork at the time of its completion.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

The Church Studio

Songwriter Leon Russell transformed this church into a recording studio used by many legendary musicians.
Castle Shannon, Pennsylvania

Grave of Andy Warhol

The pop art icon's gravesite is broadcast 24 hours a day on his museum's website.
Mexico City, Mexico

Ruta de la Amistad (Friendship Route)

A series of modernist, abstract sculptures form a route created as part of the 1968 Olympics' Cultural Olympiad.
Mexico City, Mexico

Minichelista Restaurant

A quirky and charming restaurant founded by artists.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mercado de Sonora

Superstitious? Discover the witchy side of Mexico through its largest esoteric market.
Carthage, Missouri

Precious Moments Chapel and Gardens

An adorably sweet display of sculpted Precious Moments figurines.
Carthage, Missouri

Red Oak II

When he found his hometown was no more, Lowell Davis decided to recreate a "new" ghost town from scratch.
Ridgedale, Missouri

Bat Bar in Lost Canyon Cave

If there's another drive-through golf-cart bar in a bat-filled cave on top of a mountain, we don't know about it.
Waterbury, Connecticut

Holy Land USA

A religious-themed park filled with folk art to bring biblical stories to life that fell into disrepair and now being restored.
Portland, Oregon

Ota Tofu

The oldest tofu shop in the United States is a firm favorite with locals.
Lakewood, Colorado

Denver’s Dinosaur Hotel

Rather than a run-of-the-mill franchise hotel, this lodging has been decked out in dinosaur decor.
West Bend, Iowa

Father Paul Dobberstein's Grotto of the Redemption

A four story, football field-sized, nine-grotto creation made of shells, minerals, and rare stones.
Audubon, Iowa

Albert The Bull

The World's Largest Bull.
Walcott, Iowa

Iowa 80 Truck Stop

The world’s largest truck stop includes a barber shop, chiropractor, and a huge museum with antique trucks.
New York, New York

The Evolution Store

A terrific purveyor of natural history objects and curios.
Mitchell, South Dakota

The Corn Palace

A fitting attraction for the corn capital of the world.
Summerville, Georgia

Howard Finster's Paradise Gardens

This "Plant Farm Museum" is home to the divinely inspired and visionary outsider artwork of Reverend Howard Finster.
Lucas, Kansas

The Garden of Eden

Self-built house and sculpture park where the creator can still be seen in a glass coffin.
Los Angeles, California

Watts Towers

America's most famous piece of self-built architecture.
Baltimore, Maryland

The American Visionary Art Museum

A museum dedicated to exhibiting remarkable outsider art.
Joshua Tree, California

The Noah Purifoy Desert Art Museum

Explore 10 acres of environmental sculptures.
Calipatria, California

Salvation Mountain

A hand-built folk art installation covered with messages of God's love.