conordgallagher's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Grenada
Places visited in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Places visited in Silver City, New Mexico
Houston, Texas

The Hobbit Café

A taste of Middle Earth, in the middle of the Bayou City.
Middletown, Connecticut

Wangunk Statue

In a Connecticut park, a statue pays tribute to the Indigenous people of this land.
Middletown, Connecticut

Sergeant Stubby Statue

This statue honoring the most decorated dog of World War I stands in a Connecticut park.
Middletown, Connecticut

Joseph Barratt's Grave

The gravestone of an eccentric Connecticut doctor features dinosaur tracks and a pair of fossil tree casts.
Greenville, Mississippi

Doe's Eat Place

In the mid-20th century, a tamale-slinging juke joint attracted a diverse clientele in the Mississippi Delta.
Lucedale, Mississippi

Palestine Gardens

This roadside attraction in the woods of Mississippi is a scalable replica of the Holy Lands during biblical times.
Natchez, Mississippi


A grandiose octagonal home crowned by a large dome stands out among the antebellum mansions.
Starkville, Mississippi

Chapel of Memories

Constructed from bricks salvaged from a former dormitory destroyed in a fire.
Covington, Kentucky

Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption

Northern Kentucky’s very own Notre Dame showcases intricate stained glass and the bones of saints.
Covington, Kentucky


He’s not from around here.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Hanging Garden

permanently closed
A suspended garden, now gone, once hung in the middle of this abandoned church.
Cincinnati, Ohio

The Cincinnati Subway

permanently closed
An abandoned relic of the city's failed experiment with below ground transit.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Statue of Abraham Lincoln at Lytle Park

One of the few beardless depictions of Lincoln, George Grey Barnard's 1917 statue was denounced by many—including Lincoln's own son.
Cincinnati, Ohio

The Betts House

The oldest brick house in the state of Ohio.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati Yellow Lamps

An obsolete, vanishing traffic device warns Cincinnati drivers away from middle-of-the-road obstructions.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati Mercantile Library

Hidden on two floors of downtown building, the library has an incredible deal on rent.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Twin Lakes Capitoline Wolf

Mussolini gave Cincinnati a bronze statue of Romulus and Remus suckling at a wolf's teats.
Cincinnati, Ohio

The Cincinnati Mushroom House

What is it about mushrooms that makes people wish they lived inside of them?
Cincinnati, Ohio

American Sign Museum

Where beautiful signs live on forever.
Bend, Oregon

Tumalo Falls

An attractive free-plunge waterfall outside Bend in the Deschutes National Forest.
Bend, Oregon

Tumalo Dam

The ruins of a failed dam that was built over land later described as a "sponge."
Bend, Oregon

Bend Blockbuster Video

The world's last remaining store of its kind.
Bend, Oregon

Lava River Cave

The longest continuous lava tube in Oregon.
Portland, Oregon

The Green Man of Portland

A Portland legend tells of small green archers shooting random passersby with visionary arrows.