conordgallagher's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Grenada
Places visited in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Places visited in Silver City, New Mexico
Nushabad, Iran

Nushabad Underground City

A 1,500-year-old, 3-story subterranean city where ancient Persians took refuge in times of war.
Roudbar Alamout, Iran

Alamut Castle

This ruined fortress was the stronghold for a persecuted medieval leader and his infamous Assassins.
Meybod, Iran


Ancient structures used to make and preserve ice in the deserts of Persia.
Shiraz, Iran

Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

A spectacular rainbow of stained glass makes the "Pink Mosque" one of the most beautiful in Iran.
Fars Province, Iran

The Ruins of Persepolis

The palace of the King of Kings, burned by Alexander the Great.
Orost, Iran

Badab-e Surt

Iran's colorful terraces are a rare geological masterpiece.
Shiraz, Iran

Shah Cheragh

Mirrors and glass shards cover every inch of this arrestingly beautiful mosque.
Birmingham, Alabama

Quinlan Castle

permanently closed
A castle-inspired apartment building that has stood in Birmingham since 1927.
Birmingham, Alabama

Heaviest Corner on Earth

In 1911 this intersection was called "the heaviest corner in the South," an outlandish claim that only grew wilder over the years.
Birmingham, Alabama

Donor Memorial

This little-known memorial honors those who have donated their bodies to medical training.
Birmingham, Alabama

African Village in America

Joe Minter is only doing the work of God in his yard, he says.
Birmingham, Alabama

'The Storyteller'

This fountain was commissioned by a mother grieving over her son's passing.
Paris, Kentucky

Bourbon County Horse Walk of Fame

An equine tribute in a charming Southern city that calls itself "The Horse Capital of the World."
Versailles, Kentucky

Castle Post

This modern castle sat empty for decades before a fire inspired its builders to complete its luxury halls.
Lexington, Kentucky

Bondurant's Pharmacy

A pharmacy built in the shape of a mortar and pestle, now resembles a fancy cocktail.
Lexington, Kentucky

Jim Varney’s Grave

This tombstone marks the final resting place of the beloved 1990's character, Ernest P. Worrell.
Lexington, Kentucky

Dixie Cup Water Tower

Unique tower has outlasted a takeover of the company.
Lexington, Kentucky

The Monroe Moosnick Medical and Science Museum

Outstanding collection of 19th century medical instruments includes a life-size figure cast from as many as 200 cadavers.
Dallas, Texas

Public School 972

permanently closed
A school-themed restaurant where gastronomy is the core curriculum.
Dallas, Texas

Bowler Hat Sculpture

This sculpture of a bowler hat is complemented by a matching umbrella a few blocks away.
Dallas, Texas

Texas Centennial Art Deco Buildings

A "Texanic" (gigantic Texas) collection of Art Deco architecture at Dallas' historic Fair Park.
Dallas, Texas

Gravesite of Clyde Barrow

The final resting place of infamous outlaw Clyde and Marvin Barrow.
Dallas, Texas

Adrian E. Flatt, M.D., Hand Collection

This collection of bronze hands comes from astronauts, presidents, baseball greats, and more.
Dallas, Texas

The Texas Woofus

A mythical chimera first sculpted in 1936 as a mix of the main animals of Texas livestock.