conordgallagher's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Grenada
Places visited in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Places visited in Silver City, New Mexico
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania

Concrete City

permanently closed
Buildings that dynamite couldn't bring down were abandoned because of bathroom issues.
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

Wilkes-Barre Abandoned Train Station

A train station that was abandoned by the coal industry and was later converted into a cocktail bar.
Ashley, Pennsylvania

Huber Breaker

permanently closed
This demolished goliath of American industry once loomed over the depressed town it once made thrive.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Conflict Kitchen

permanently closed
A take-out restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries with which the United States is in conflict.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Frick Park Clay Courts

This historic Pittsburgh tennis complex is a rare example of natural red clay courts.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Gene Kelly's Pittsburgh Plaque

This plaque marks a place where one of Hollywood’s most famous dancers got his start.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Immaculate Reception Monument

This spot memorializes one of the greatest plays in NFL history, unless you happen to be a Raiders fan.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Mellon Institute Columns

Sections of the iconic limestone columns have been left uncleaned as a reminder of the city's polluted past.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dippy the Dinosaur

A model of a dinosaur that was named for Andrew Carnegie stands outside the museum that also bears his name.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Cathedral of Learning

The largest university building in the West is a gothic masterpiece containing dozens of theme rooms based on different countries.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Church Brew Works

A restored Pittsburgh house of God has been converted to a marvelous house of suds.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Canton Avenue

One of the steepest streets in the United States makes an intriguing challenge for cyclists.