dabruycker's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Madrid, Spain

Tío Pepe Sign

For decades, Puerta del Sol has been illuminated by a giant, guitar-wielding bottle of sherry.
Madrid, Spain

Muslim Walls of Madrid

Among the oldest structures in Madrid, these Moorish walls once guarded the medieval city of Mayrit.
Madrid, Spain

El Oso y el Madroño (The Bear and the Strawberry Tree)

This sweet-toothed bear searching for snacks has been a symbol of Madrid for decades.
Madrid, Spain

'Witches' Sabbath (The Great He-Goat)'

This macabre masterpiece of a mural is one of Francisco Goya's "Black Paintings."
Madrid, Spain

Real Jardin Botanico

Over two centuries old and counting, Madrid's massive botanical garden contains one of Europe's only desert environments.
Madrid, Spain

Sobrino de Botin

The oldest restaurant in the world is this old-world Spanish eatery, still known for its suckling pig.
Madrid, Spain

Templo de Debod

An ancient Egyptian temple in the middle of Madrid, Spain.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Cristal

Madrid's romantically ornate crystal palace has been offering shelter to plants and art for over a century.
Washington, D.C.

District of Columbia Center Point

A little marble compass above George Washington's (empty) tomb in the Capitol marks where D.C.'s four quadrants intersect.
Washington, D.C.

Carousel on the National Mall

Washington's iconic carousel has a nice piece of Civil Rights history.
Washington, D.C.

The K-9 of the Korean War Veterans Memorial

Those with a sharp eye can find the hidden image of a German Shepherd on the memorial's Mural Wall.
Washington, D.C.

International Spy Museum

Home to items never before seen by the public.
Washington, D.C.

The Exorcist Stairs

The site of the climactic scene from the classic horror film is now a historic landmark.