fayelilian's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Melbourne, Australia

Adnate Collingwood Mural

This 20-story artwork on a public housing block is the tallest mural in the Southern Hemisphere and tells the story of a community.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kwai Chai Hong

An interactive back-alley mural project remembers the golden age of Kuala Lumpur’s Chinatown.
Chur, Switzerland

Gigerplatz Fountain

Study the Alien etchings in this fountain while you refill your water bottle.
Brusio, Switzerland

Brusio Spiral Viaduct

This work of engineering is imbued with elegance and ingeniousness.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Lion of Lucerne

This memorial commemorating fallen Swiss Guards of the French Revolution has been called the saddest stone in the world.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Dance of Death Bridge

This historic covered bridge contains a series of macabre paintings that communicate one thing: everyone dies.
Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne Rectangular Stadium

Equipped with thousands of LED lights, this geodesic dome-shaped stadium is an engineering delight.
Melbourne, Australia

Diana and the Hounds Fountain

A striking bronze sculpture of a Roman goddess with two hound dogs for company.
Melbourne, Australia

The Dolphin Fountain

Somewhat controversial when first unveiled, this gathering of sea creatures has become a hidden gem.
Melbourne, Australia

The Gothic Bank

This Melbourne bank has unique Gothic-style architectural features and is one of the most majestic operating bank branches in the world.
Melbourne, Australia

South Lawn Car Park

A unique underground car park that has become a popular filming location.
Abbotsford, Australia

Abbotsford Convent

This 19th-century convent is now a flourishing 21st-century hub for art.
Melbourne, Australia

AC/DC Lane

A colorful street named for the legendary Australian rock band.
Melbourne, Australia

Princess Theatre

One of the oldest theaters in Australia, it's also said to be haunted by a performer who died on stage.
Melbourne, Australia

The Bunyip of Berkeley's Creek

A friendly monster lurks outside the State Library Victoria.
Milan, Italy

Shoah Memorial of Milan

The train platform where Jews were sent to concentration camps is now preserved as a Holocaust memorial.
Milan, Italy

Bosco Verticale

Two very green residential towers cleaning the air in one of Europe's most polluted cities.
Ravenna, Italy

Flooded Crypt of San Francesco

Filled with goldfish swimming in a shallow pool of sea water, this ancient crypt is more wishing well than burial site.
Florence, Italy

Il Porcellino

This bronze boar's snout has been rubbed to a golden sheen by visitors seeking good fortune.
Venice, Italy

Scala Contarini del Bovolo

This palatial spiral staircase was so unusual the name "snail" was given to the noble family who built it.
Florence, Italy

Babae Wine Window

Drink wine handed out through a window as part of an age-old tradition.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio)

Go inside to really appreciate this 500-year-old technological masterpiece.
Milan, Italy

San Bernardino alle Ossa

An ossuary built in 1210 to collect bones from the Ospedale Maggiore of Milan.
Venice, Italy

The Flooded Crypt of San Zaccaria

As can be expected from a centuries old church built in a canal city, the undercroft of this house of worship is beautifully flooded.