femaleabroad's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Maastricht, Netherlands
Places added to Antigua and Barbuda
Places edited in Antigua and Barbuda
Places visited in British Columbia
Places visited in Vancouver, British Columbia
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Vancouver, British Columbia

The Marine Building

This Art Deco masterpiece has stood in for some of the most famous buildings in comic book history.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden

Traditional 15th century Chinese garden in the middle of Vancouver.
Vancouver, British Columbia

VanDusen Garden's Elizabethan Hedge Maze

This Elizabethan hedge maze is one of only six in North America.
Antrim, Northern Ireland

Lough Neagh Torpedo Test Platform

This former World War II torpedo testing location is now an important nesting site for migratory birds.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Antrim Coast Road Memorial

An unassuming tribute to engineer William Bald and the workers who built one of Europe's most scenic coastal roads.
Carnlough, Northern Ireland

The Hidden Village of Galboly

This village provides a glimpse at rural life in Northern Ireland during the mid-20th-century.
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

Carrickfergus Witches' Pillory

A replica memorializes the site where women were punished after the last witchcraft trial in Ireland.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Europa Hotel

It was once nicknamed "the most bombed hotel in Europe."
County Derry, Northern Ireland

The Free Derry Corner Murals

These murals stand as reminders to the troubled history of this Northern Ireland city.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

2 Royal Avenue

A palatial former bank building now houses what may be the poshest art venue (and former Tesco) in Belfast.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

River Farset

Belfast's namesake river still winds below the city center, hidden from sight.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Blackcave Tunnel and the Devil's Churn

The "Black Arch" guards the entrance to the picturesque Glens of Antrim.
Ballycastle, Northern Ireland


The lake that fills and empties itself at random.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast Peace Lines

These barriers stand as stark reminders of Northern Ireland's troubled past.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

St. George's Market

The last Victorian market in Belfast.
Bushmills, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway and Bushmills Railway

This tiny train shuttles passengers to one of Northern Ireland's most spectacular sights.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Launch Site of the Titanic

A museum marks and documents the site of the Titanic's launch.
Coleraine, Northern Ireland

Dunluce Castle

The ruins of this medieval castle in Northern Ireland have inspired artists from C.S. Lewis to Led Zeppelin.
Ballintoy, Northern Ireland

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge

This short bridge is the only thing connecting a tiny Irish island to the mainland.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway

Northern Ireland's Brobdingnagian stepping stones.
Dublin, Ireland

‘Why Go Bald’ Sign

This neon landmark has been posing this deadpan question to follicly-challenged Dubliners for over 50 years.
Dublin, Ireland

Aungier Street Lidl Archaeology

This supermarket offers shoppers a window into the past alongside their groceries.
Dublin, Ireland

Dublin General Post Office

The modern birthplace of Irish freedom.
Dublin, Ireland

The Oscar Wilde House

The house where the writer spent his formative years.