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Oxford, England

Bate Collection of Musical Instruments

Over a thousand musical instruments are on display, from bagpipes and harpsichords to drums and the sinuous serpent.
Oxford, England

Oxford Museum of Natural History

Home to the most complete dodo remains known - one head, and one foot.
Oxford, England

Oxford Museum of the History of Science

An extraordinary collection of scientific instruments - and Einstein's chalkboard - inside the world's oldest purpose built museum building.
Oxford, England

Rewley Road Swing Bridge

The remnants of this unusual bridge await an uncertain fate.
Oxford, England

Port Meadow

Legend says this public grazing area hasn't been plowed for thousands of years.
Oxford, England

Oxford Castle & Prison

This Norman castle was once the site of a Victorian-era prison, and now exists as a luxury hotel.
Oxford, England

The Alfred Jewel

One of Oxford's greatest treasures likely belonged to the legendary King Alfred the Great.
Oxford, England

The Painted Room Oxford

This hidden 13th-century tavern room has a few Shakespearean connections.
Oxford, England

The Bear Inn

This centuries-old pub boasts a collection of more than 4,500 snippets of neckties from around the world.
Oxford, England

'Alice in Wonderland' Windows

The stoic structure boasts a whimsical set of stained glass art commemorating Lewis Carroll.
Oxford, England

The Saxon Tower at St. Michael at the North Gate

This 11th century tower is said to be the oldest building in Oxford.
Oxford, England

Oak Beams, New College Oxford

The beams of the New College, Oxford dining hall come with an amazing story.
Oxford, England

'Alice Door'

Inside this church is an obscure piece of art carved by the famous Alice Liddell.
Oxford, England

The Sheldonian Theatre

A theatre built to house the rowdy Oxford graduation ceremonies became the stage for a debate about God's existence.
Oxford, England

Annora's Tomb

The weathered grave of a medieval anchoress who walled herself up in a cell attached to a church.
Oxford, England

Saint Margaret's Well

The medieval legend behind this holy well was one of the inspirations behind "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."
Oxford, England

The Headington Shark

A 26-foot shark sculpture—a statement about bombs—set off a municipal battle royale.
Oxford, England

All Souls College Library

Oxford University's stateliest library seems designed to make students truly feel the weight of knowledge.
Oxford, England

Duke Humfrey's Library at the Old Bodleian Library

One of Europe's oldest libraries.
Oxford, England

The Eagle and Child

permanently closed
J.R.R Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and other "Inklings" met at the Oxford pub to discuss the now legendary fantasy stories they were writing.
Oxford, England

J.R.R. Tolkien's Grave

The names Lúthien and Beren can be found inscribed on the shared grave of the famous writer and his beloved wife and muse.
Oxford, England

C.S. Lewis's Grave

The beloved fantasy novelist is buried near a church containing a whimsical etched glass window full of Narnia favorites.
Oxford, England

Oxford Botanic Garden

The fantastic charm of England's oldest botanical garden has made it a place of writerly inspiration for centuries.