glennvanlandingham's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Thurmont, Maryland

Utica Mills Covered Bridge

Washed out by the Johnstown Flood in 1889, the surviving portion of the original two-span bridge now resides at Fishing Creek.
Jefferson, Maryland

War Correspondents Memorial

One of the only memorials dedicated to journalists who died in combat.
Walkersville, Maryland

Walkersville Southern Railroad

Take a trip to the past aboard a 1920s railcar or open flatcar for a scenic ride through Maryland farm country.
Walkersville, Maryland

Fountain Rock Lime Kilns

A well-preserved quarry and six of eight continuous burning pot kilns used to make burnt lime and crushed stone are highlights of the self-guided walking tour in Fountain Rock Park.
Frederick, Maryland

Guess the Greyhound

According to local history, this cast-iron canine was nearly melted down for bullets during the Civil War.
Frederick, Maryland

Hessian Barracks

Historic barracks utilized during both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
Frederick, Maryland

One-Million-Liter Test Sphere

This four-story steel sphere in Maryland was used to test biological weapons.
Frederick, Maryland

Carroll Creek Covered Bridge

This hidden treasure provides a charming access point along the south side of Baker Park.
Frederick, Maryland

National Museum of Civil War Medicine

A Civil War Museum with some notable medical antiques.
Frederick, Maryland

Jug Bridge Monument

Rumors persist that a bottle of whiskey is sealed within this Demijohn-shaped adornment.