ji's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Suzhou, China

Luohanyuan Shuangta (Twin Pagodas)

Two nearly identical Chinese pagodas stand side by side, along with ancient stone relics.
Suzhou, China

The Seven Cats of Shantang Street

Thanks to a bit of wordplay, seven auspicious stone cats guard this ancient canalside street.
Shanghai, China

Fazangjiang Temple

This under-visited temple is nestled within one of Shanghai's traditional shikumen-style residential blocks.
Diqing Zangzuzizhizhou, China

Tiger Leaping Gorge

One of the word's deepest gorges is also tied to a fantastic legend.
Beijing, China

Chairman Mao Memorial Hall

The embalmed remains of the communist leader lie within a custom crystal coffin.
Yangjiang, China

Maritime Silk Road Museum

Inside this museum is an ongoing excavation of an ancient shipwreck.
Dongguan, China

New South China Mall

One of the world's largest malls has been almost completely empty since its opening.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Film Park

This film studio and amusement park is considered one of the greatest filming locations in China.
Xian Shi, China

Huaqing Pools

These mountain hot springs have seen power struggles, doomed romances, and a generalissimo's attempted escape from mutiny.
Shanghai, China

Guangfulin Relics Park

This theme park presents 5,000 years of Shanghai history and includes a "sunken" exhibition hall.
Beijing, China

Guo Li Zhuang

Genitals, claws, and faces are served at this questionable Beijing eatery.
Meishan, China

Golden Summit Temple

A golden temple atop a sacred mountain, known for its giant effigy of the revered Pu Xian.
Longnan, China

Li Jiawan Grand Ginkgo King

The world's largest ginkgo tree contains a hollow so large a man once lived in it for two years.
Hotan, China

Hotan Sunday Market

This weekly market in the remote oasis city of Hotan still has the atmosphere of the old Silk Road.
Kizilsu, China

Shipton's Arch (阿图什天门)

The world's largest natural arch was forgotten for over 50 years after its discovery.
Hulun Buir, China

Matryoshka Square (Russian Taowa Square)

Hundreds of large Russian nesting dolls decorate this square, and the largest is a functioning hotel.
Shijiazhuang, China

Jade Burial Suits

Stone shrouds of Prince Liu Sheng and Princess Dou Wan of the Han Dynasty, created to preserve their flesh for eternity.
Chengdu, China


A KFC honors an eighth-century Chinese poet with holograms and verse.
Shangrao, China

The Giant Buddha of Guifeng

China's mysterious record-setting sleeping Buddha.
Ordos, China


It seems that the residents of of this megalopolis suddenly vanished, but they were never actually there.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Natural History Museum

This ratty natural history collection is a charming relic among a city rushing into modernity.
Qujing, China

Canola Flower Fields

This quiet area of Yunnan Province annually transforms into an unbelievable sea of yellow flowers.
Chongqing, China

Dazu Rock Carvings

Comprised of thousands of cave temple carvings this cornucopia of ancient Chinese stone art is unrivaled anywhere in the world.
Guangzhou, China

The Qingping Market

A fantastic assortment of China's finest and most disturbing wares.