lucaspatmat's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Lake Harmony, Pennsylvania

Hickory Run Boulder Field

A field of nothing but boulders which resembles a giant's gravel driveway.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Swann Memorial Fountain

A tour de force of a fountain, memorializing a man who loved fountains more than anything else.
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Cats of Longwood Gardens

These lush botanical gardens employ the most purrfect pest control force.
Altoona, Pennsylvania


Behold the rickety wooden glory of the world's oldest operating roller coaster.
Erie, Pennsylvania

Schaefer's Auto Art

A quirky collection of outsider art made from automobile parts.
Cooksburg, Pennsylvania

Paved Trail

Locals call this magical moss-covered walkway the "Emerald Path."
Oaks, Pennsylvania

World's Largest Slinky

Once on display alongside a giant Gumby, it’s as tall as a nine-story building when fully extended.
Irwin, Pennsylvania

The Big Mac Museum

This shrine to McDonalds' most iconic sandwich holds a 14-foot tall burger.
Latrobe, Pennsylvania

Birthplace of the Banana Split

A larger-than-life statue of America's favorite sundae marks the place it was invented.
Avella, Pennsylvania

Meadowcroft Rockshelter

This Pennsylvania cave holds evidence of the oldest known inhabitants of North America.
Altoona, Pennsylvania

Castle Halloween Museum

Journey through a collection of over 35,000 Halloween items from all generations.
Kecksburg, Pennsylvania

Space Acorn

Pennsylvania's own Roswell-style UFO mystery.
Yorklyn, Pennsylvania

Haines Shoe House

An outlandish shoe shaped house built by an eccentric millionaire.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Beechview-Seldom Seen Greenway

This secluded walking trail is a hidden gem of a Pittsburgh park.
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania

Pine Creek Gorge

This lush forest valley was once mined for lumber to the extent that it was once nicknamed "The Pennsylvania Desert."
Bedford, Pennsylvania

Koontz Coffee Pot

This titanic java kettle is one of the many kitschy landmarks located along America's OTHER famous highway.
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Hoover-Mason Trestle

The internal railway of one of the biggest steel plants in America has been transformed into a linear park with unique industrial views.
Austin, Pennsylvania

Austin Dam

When the Austin Dam failed it destroyed much of Austin...and then it failed again.
Quakertown, Pennsylvania

Rosicrucian Pyramids of Bucks County

The headquarters of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, complete with Rosicrucian pyramids, all in the Pennsylvania woods.
Reading, Pennsylvania

The Reading Pagoda

A failed piece of Orientalism has become the proud symbol of a community.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Rocky Statue

Yo, Adrian!
Reading, Pennsylvania

Witch's Hat Pavilion

This semi-spooky remnant of an abandoned hotel provides fantastic views.
Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania

Kentuck Knob

The house that Frank Lloyd Wright "(shook) out of his sleeve at will" at the age of 86.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Zenith

This restaurant offers a side of antiques, curios, and a bathroom chock full of owls.