lucaspatmat's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Grants Pass, Oregon

Bear Hotel

Dozens of whimsical bear statues "hibernate" here during the winter months.
Rainbow, Oregon

Terwilliger Hot Springs

These natural hot springs form four-tiered soaking pools with temperatures ranging from 85 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
Tygh Valley, Oregon

Sherars Falls

Members of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs still net migrating salmon in the traditional way at this cataract on the Deschutes River.
Mehama, Oregon

Silver Falls State Park

Multiple waterfalls and several historic CCC buildings anchor this state park in Oregon's Willamette Valley.
Camp Sherman, Oregon

Head of the Metolius

Approximately 50,000 gallons of water gush from these springs, creating the Metolius River.
Maupin, Oregon

White River Falls

An out-of-the-way state park in Oregon that features both a picturesque waterfall and the ruins of a hydropower plant.
Portland, Oregon

Albina Soul Walk

A mile-long audio-guided walking tour preserves an iconic era of Portland soul music.
Silver Lake, Oregon

Cowboy Dinner Tree

Eat like a "buckaroo" at this remote restaurant.
Lake County, Oregon

Big Hole

This large maar crater in Oregon is the bigger brother to Hole in the Ground.
Mitchell, Oregon

Mitchell Shoe Tree

Make it an offering.
Portland, Oregon

Hollywood Theatre

This theatre and its amazing marquee harken back to the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Rhododendron, Oregon

Silent Rock

According to legend, you must remain completely silent while passing this man-made mound or suffer the consequences.
Portland, Oregon

Native American Art Center

One of the most comprehensive collections of historic Native American culture in the country reframes artifacts as artwork.
The Dalles, Oregon

National Neon Sign Museum

This rare, carefully curated collection showcases the history of neon inside a grandiose Elks lodge.
Silverton, Oregon

The Gordon House

The only house in Oregon designed by the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
New Princeton, Oregon

Alvord Desert

At the base of Steens Mountain resides an otherworldly desert.
Elsie, Oregon

Camp 18 Restaurant

A logging-themed roadside restaurant surrounded by museum-quality machinery and artifacts from the industry's heyday.
Prineville, Oregon

Steins Pillar

This great stone guardian of the forest is a relic from the land's volatile volcanic past.
Lyons, Oregon

Jawbone Flats Mining Museum

1920's mining camp and environmental education center is serving to protect the surrounding forest, one of the last of its kind in the Pacific Northwest.
Pendleton, Oregon

Tamástslikt Cultural Institute

The only Native American museum along the Oregon Trail, run by the peoples who have lived on the land for generations.
La Pine, Oregon

Lava Cast Forest

A rugged lava field dotted with molds of the ancient pines that were growing when the volcano erupted.
Lane County, Oregon

Dee Wright Observatory

While it is not equipped to peer into outer space this observatory looks like it was built on the moon.
Jacksonville, Oregon

The Bigfoot Trap

Sasqu(w)atch out!
Dufur, Oregon

Friend Ghost Town

The short-lived railroad town in central Oregon has been abandoned since the 1930s.