lukefishfrench's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Da Nang, Vietnam
Places visited in Chiang Rai, Thailand
Places visited in Matsumoto, Japan
Places visited in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Places edited in Denbigh, Wales
Places visited in Blackpool, England
Places visited in Cambodia
Places visited in Krong Battambang, Cambodia
Places visited in Malaysia
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Paju-si, South Korea

Odusan Unification Observatory

The place nearest Seoul where it’s easy to get a good look at North Korea.
Zaragoza, Spain

Aljaferia Palace

This 11th-century fortress is now the seat of Aragon’s state legislature.
Vientiane, Laos

Hor Lak Muang

The site of an ancient city pillar that was lost and rediscovered.
Manchester, England

The Shakespeare

This haunted 17th-century pub was moved to a new city when it was already almost 300 years old.
Tainan City, Taiwan

Snail Alley

The residence of a Taiwanese literary scholar sits down an alleyway adorned with depictions of snails.
Bologna, Italy

Meridian Line of Basilica di San Petronio

A massive line that stretches across the floor of Bologna’s largest church was created by a 17th-century scientist to measure the movements of the Sun.
Manchester, England

'A New Broom'

This statue of an everyday cleaning tool sits proud upon a plinth in Manchester's coolest quarter.
Duboka, Croatia

Pelješac Bridge

Construction of this bridge was once described as an "act of violence" against a neighboring country.
Tokyo, Japan

Shinagawa Station

Japan's first train station is also the site of Godzilla's first destructive visit to the nation.
Shrewsbury, England

Charles Darwin Statue

Standing at the site of his former school, this sculpture celebrates Darwin's groundbreaking contributions to science and his deep connection to his birthplace.
Highland, Scotland

Clootie Well

A pagan tradition of draping trees with rags eerily lives on.
Duy Xuyên District, Vietnam

My Son Sanctuary

Showcasing some of the best-preserved temples of the Champa Kingdom.
Zagreb, Croatia

Kamenita Vrata (Our Lady of the Stone Gate)

A well-worshipped shrine to the Virgin Mary nestled inside the last of Zagreb’s historic gates.
Rosemarkie, Scotland

The Fairy Glen - Rosemarkie

This lovely Scottish nature walk leads to the source of a local legend.
Glasgow, Scotland

St. Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art

This Scottish museum is the only one in the world to focus not on one religion but all of them.
Brownhills, England

"Jigger" the Brownhills Miner

A giant gleaming memorial named for a coal miner who gave his life to the pits.
Birmingham, England

Ozzy the Bull

A gigantic mechanical bull rages over unsuspecting passengers at Birmingham’s central station.
Telford, England

The Frog Clock

This whimsical, unique clock has been entertaining shoppers for well over 20 years.
Pitlochry, Scotland

Pitlochry Fish Ladder

An exceptional engineering feat that facilitates the migration of salmon upstream during their breeding season.
Bangkok, Thailand

Dragon Roundabout

This most unusual dragon is made of recycled Chinese cutlery.
Lincoln, England

High Bridge

The oldest of the three remaining bridges in England with buildings on top of them.
Lincoln, England

Prison Chapel at Lincoln Castle

Inside this chapel, Victorian jailers took the separate system to new levels.
Zaragoza, Spain

Sewers of Caesar Augusta

The Museum of the Forum of Caesar Augusta showcases the city's ancient Roman sewage system.
Bilbao, Spain

Stained Glass Window at Bilbao Abando Indalecio Prieto Station

Marvel at this immense work of art that greets arrivals to the city.