lyzchapman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Tombstone, Arizona
Places visited in Sedona, Arizona
Places visited in Mesa, Arizona
Places visited in Payson, Arizona
Places visited in Globe, Arizona
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Show Low, Arizona

Show Low Card Game Monument

A monument commemorating how a frontier town got its unusual name.
Florence, Arizona

McFarland State Historic Park

Florence's historic adobe county courthouse was turned into a historic site that honors one of Arizona's most prominent political leaders.
Bisbee, Arizona

Warren Ballpark

One of America's oldest stadiums was also the site of one of the most brutal anti-labor acts in American history.
Globe, Arizona

Besh-Ba-Gowah Archaeological Park and Museum

The remains of a large pueblo village constructed by the Salado culture, who occupied the region more than 600 years ago.
Bisbee, Arizona

Lavender Pit

This open-pit mine is now an abandoned symbol of Bisbee's copper-mining heritage.
Bisbee, Arizona

Copper Queen Hotel

This Old West hotel, the longest in continuous operation in the state of Arizona, is claimed to be haunted.
Fort Valley, Arizona

Highest Toilet in Arizona

At 11,500 feet in elevation, there is no toilet in the state closer to the sky than this one.
Tombstone, Arizona

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

The first Protestant church in Arizona and only Gothic Revival style adobe church in the world.
Florence, Arizona

Poston Butte

The "Father of Arizona" tried to build a Zoroastrian fire temple on the hill where he's now buried.
Rimrock, Arizona

Montezuma Well

This sinkhole in the Arizona desert is filled with carbonated, arsenic-rich water
Phoenix, Arizona

Arizona Falls

A historic hydroelectric power plant serves as the unusual backdrop for a public park.
Oatman, Arizona


This once-booming Gold Rush town is now home to a herd of feral donkeys.
Tucson, Arizona

Rattlesnake Bridge

In Tucson a giant metal snake helps pedestrians cross a busy highway.
Holbrook, Arizona

The Wigwam Village #6

A motel dedicated to Southwestern nostalgia.
Las Vegas, Nevada

'The Mantis'

Las Vegas's very own 40-foot-tall fire-spewing praying mantis.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Liquors

Back in 1952, you could get a mushroom cloud chaser with your atomic cocktail.
Elfrida, Arizona

Gleeson Jail

An early 20th-century jail not far from the infamous Tombstone, Arizona.
Douglas, Arizona

Gadsden Hotel Windows

The lobby of this hotel near the U.S.-Mexico border features a stained-glass mural that measures 42 feet long and 6 feet tall.
Kingman, Arizona

'Giganticus Headicus'

A tribute to the statues of Easter Island along Route 66.
Tempe, Arizona

Guadalupe Cemetery

A colorful, century-old cemetery of the Yaqui Indian Tribe hidden amid the suburban sprawl of Tempe, Arizona.
Los Angeles, California

Millennium Biltmore Hotel

This opulent hotel has been visited by Spider-Man, Charlie's Angels, and the Ghostbusters.
Los Angeles, California

Stay On Main Hotel

This brightly made over hotel hides decades of suicide, serial killers, and mysterious deaths.
Los Angeles, California

Rosenheim Mansion

This grand mansion has starred in everything from Bones to Buffy.
Los Angeles, California

Ferndell Nature Museum

A common entry point to the Griffith Observatory trail holds its own wonders.