Max Cortesi's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bahrain Oil Well No. 1

This unassuming oil well changed the history of the Arabian Gulf.
Kouklia, Cyprus

Aphrodite's Rock

This sea stack in Cyprus is traditionally seen as the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite.

Shajarat-al-Hayat (Tree of Life)

This centuries-old tree tells an unusual tale of vegetation and fertility in the desert.
Arad, Bahrain

Arad Fort

This beautifully historic Bahrain fortress might not be the most popular attraction around, but that might make it all the better.
Barbar, Bahrain

Barbar Temple

This archaeological site boasts temple ruins that date back 5,000 years to the Dilmun culture, and may have been described in the tale of Gilgamesh's search for immortality.
Tunis, Tunisia

Villa Yvonne

A ghostly mansion in the middle of downtown Tunis.
Tanuf, Oman


The ruins in this village were caused by something more sinister than neglect.
Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt Book Burning Memorial

Somber memorial to the May 10, 1933, book-burning which took place on this spot.
Genoa, Italy

The Lighthouse of Genoa

Depending on how it is measured, this lighthouse can claim to be the tallest in Europe and the tallest conventional lighthouse in the world.
Bahla, Oman

Bahla Fort

If you dare visit this fort, fire-breathing hyenas might devour your camels.
Takia, Oman

'What Is It?'

This mysterious anthropomorphic statuette is on display at the National Museum of Oman.
Belgrade, Serbia

Znak Pitanja (?)

Belgrade’s oldest restaurant has a rather unusual name.
Belgrade, Serbia

Belgrade Milestone

This small bronze pyramid marks the center of Belgrade, but some say it is a Masonic symbol.
Guellala, Tunisia

Biggest Jar in the World

This jar honors the role that pottery has played in this Tunisian village over the past millennia.
Al Hamra, Oman

Al Hoota Cave

The biggest cave system in the Arabian Peninsula is home to a rare variety of blind fish.
Chouigui, Tunisia

Saint-Felix Church of Schuiggu

This 19th-century church was built for Sicilian immigrants, survived World War II, and today stands on a landfill.
Habib, Oman

Wadi Bani Habib

An abandoned mountain village in Habib surrounded by walnut, apricot, and pomegranate trees.
Cité Hached, Tunisia

Palais Mussolini

Despite the name, this unusual palace in rural Tunisia never belonged to an Italian dictator.
Menzel Jemil, Tunisia

Rimel Beach

An eerie ship cemetery with gunfire as a soundtrack.
Ras Angela, Tunisia

Ras Angela

The northernmost point of continental Africa—or is it?
Hara Sghira Er Riadh, Tunisia


An awesome blend of traditional architecture and street art.
Hammam Lif, Tunisia

Abandoned Casino

This gem of Moorish architecture is slowly disintegrating along the coast of this charming town.
Hammat-al-jarid, Tunisia

El Hamma Water Cooler

Geothermal resources are cooled in this oddly-shaped structure before being used for irrigation
Al Ayn, Oman

Beehive Tombs of Al Ayn

The best-preserved beehive tombs in Oman with spectacular backdrop.