DavidK's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Places added to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Places edited in Tianshui, China
Places visited in Mongolia
Places added to Mongolia
Places edited in Mongolia
Places visited in Morrison, Colorado
Places added to Vatican City
Places visited in Cuatrociénegas, Mexico
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Amarillo, Texas

Helium Time Columns Monument

A time-capsule monument reminding future generations of the importance of efficient and effective use of natural resources.
Amarillo, Texas

Cadillac Ranch

A sculpture made of 10 Cadillacs as a monument to the "Golden Age" of the American automobile.
Fredericksburg, Texas

Enchanted Rock

An enormous pink granite batholith, long attributed with spiritual powers by the Tonkawa Indians.
Aurora, Colorado

Mango House

At this multicultural hub, refugee chefs serve the foods they miss most from home.
Sundance, Wyoming

Vore Buffalo Jump

This shallow pit was once used to send over 20,000 buffalo plummeting to their death.
Devils Tower, Wyoming

Devils Tower

The first declared National Monument in the United States.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Hotel Alex Johnson

One of America’s oldest and spookiest hotels, thanks to the residency of ghosts, dead presidents, and Alfred Hitchcock.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Art Alley

Thanks to a loophole in property ownership, this alleyway has become a cacophonous street gallery.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Rapid City Presidents

Every president in history is immortalized in bronze in downtown Rapid City.
Chamberlain, South Dakota

Dignity of Earth and Sky

A striking sculpture built to honor the women of the Lakota and Dakota Nations.
Murdo, South Dakota

Okaton Ghost Town

The deserted railroad town had a last gasp as a ghost town attraction before being abandoned for good.
Wall, South Dakota

Wall Drug

The granddaddy of all tourist traps, built on ice water, jackalopes, and a giant dinosaur.
Valentine, Nebraska

Merritt Reservoir

In addition to fishing and camping, this spot in Nebraska’s Sandhills is one of the world’s darkest places.
Boulder, Colorado

Valmont Butte

This now-abandoned outcrop is an important Native American spiritual site, overtaken by European settlers and mining pollution.
Jaipur, India

The Wall of Amer

An ancient wall in the shadows of the Amber Castle.

Macaques of Tanaxpillo Island

The population of Southeast Asian primates was introduced to Mexico in the 1970s.
Vatican City

'Angels Unawares'

The first statue to be added to Saint Peter's Square in over 350 years is an ode to migrants and refugees around the world.
Chesterton, Indiana

City West Ghost Town

The site of a 19th century "dream city" that almost rivaled Chicago before being swallowed by the Indiana sand dunes.
San Antonio, Texas

Alamo Line in the Sand

Legend has it the commander of the defenders drew a fateful line in the dirt with his sword just before the final battle.
Pompeii, Italy

Stone Phalluses of Pompeii

The walls and streets of the ancient city are peppered with penises.
Pompeii, Italy

Thermopolia of Pompeii

Ancient snack bar of the Roman Empire re-opened.
Pompeii, Italy

Plaster Citizens of Pompeii

The last moments of the ill-fated Pompeiians, frozen forever in plaster.
Sorrento, Italy

Valle dei Mulini (Valley of the Mills)

An Italian crevasse filled with abandoned buildings gives visitors a look at the world without humans.
Paris, France

Bouillon Chartier

For more than a century, Parisians have come for affordable dishes in a grand converted train station.