Phil V's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Sister Bay, Wisconsin

Al Johnson’s Swedish Restaurant

Restaurant in Northern Wisconsin comes with a unique feature: a grassy roof covered in living goats.
Fish Creek, Wisconsin

Eagle Tower

Walk up a ramp through a forest for panoramic views of Lake Michigan.
Chicago, Illinois

World Artifacts on the Tribune Tower Walls

Fragments of architectural wonders from around the globe are embedded in the newspaper building's walls.
Chicago, Illinois

300 South Wacker Drive

A 400-foot-tall tall map of Chicago makes this once-ignored building stand out.
New York, New York

'Life Underground' Sculptures

An artist's cute bronze subway sculptures belie his violent artistic past.
New York, New York

Times Square Hum

A pedestrian island in the middle of world-famous Times Square emits a strange (and purposeful) humming noise.
New York, New York

Spotlight on Broadway Map

The 28-foot granite map plots the locations of 40 theaters in New York City.
New York, New York

Israel Miller's 'Show Folks Shoe Shop' Building

Amid the marketing blitz of modern Times Square is an elegant holdover from its showbiz glory days.
New York, New York

Queensboro Trolley Kiosk

A forgotten relic from New York's bygone trolley system hides in plain sight under a bridge.
New York, New York

Citigroup Center Stilts

If it hadn't been caught in time, a flaw in the design of this Manhattan skyscraper could have led to its collapse.
Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Goddard Mansion

Abandoned Italianate architecture on the coast of Maine.
Kennebunk, Maine

The Wedding Cake House

The most photographed house in Maine looks good enough to eat.
Royalton, Vermont

Joseph Smith Birthplace Memorial

An obelisk marks the farmhouse where the founder of Mormonism was born.
Ripton, Vermont

Robert Frost Interpretive Trail

This charming woodland trail is peppered with poetry.
Hancock, Vermont

Texas Falls

An ancient glacial pothole waterfall in the heart of the Green Mountains.
New York, New York

Marilyn Monroe's Subway Grate

This unmarked and unloved Manhattan subway grate created one of the most iconic images in American cinema.
Chicago, Illinois

Willis Tower Glass Platform

Four glass boxes hover over 1,000 feet in the air to give visitors an unparalleled view of Chicago.
Seattle, Washington

Edith Macefield's House

The tale of a strong-willed woman who stood her ground when the commercial world came rumbling in.
New York, New York

Paley Park

A small peaceful park and waterfall tucked amid the urban grind of Midtown Manhattan.
New York, New York

Roosevelt Island Tramway

One of only two commuter aerial tramways in the United States.
New York, New York

The High Line

Elevated freight railway turned wildly successful urban park.
Baltimore, Maryland

Babe Ruth Birthplace Museum

The childhood home of the Sultan of Swat is just a line drive away from Oriole Park at Camden Yards.
Brooklyn, New York

770 Eastern Parkway

Headquarters of the world's fourth largest Hasidic sect and the first of many "770s" around the world.
Queens, New York

Houdini's Grave

The final resting place of the great escape artist, where some still gather to wait for his escape from death.