Rain Salazar's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rain Salazar's activity rankings
Places added to Isle of Skye, Scotland
Places edited in Húsafell, Iceland
Places added to Jersey City, New Jersey
Places added to Drumheller, Alberta
Places edited in Calgary, Alberta
Places added to Anchorage, Alaska
Places edited in Isle of Skye, Scotland
Places visited in Húsafell, Iceland
Places added to Costa Rica
Talkeetna, Alaska

The Cat Mayor of Talkeetna

This Alaskan town appoints the general store's resident feline as honorary mayor.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Kilmuir Cemetery

An unpaid bill, a stolen stone, and a famous fashion designer rest peacefully alongside a heroine of Highlands history.
Doune, Scotland

Doune Castle

The castle that provided the setting for much of 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' is now a pilgrimage site for fans.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Fairy Flag of Dunvegan Castle

Inside a Scottish castle hangs the tattered remains of a flag with murky origins and supposed magic powers.
Anchorage, Alaska

Diamond Jim's Liquor Store Sign

A quirky roadside sign was the subject of a years-long legal standoff over highway right-of-way clearances. 
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Giant Angus MacAskill Museum

A tiny museum dedicated to the world’s tallest true giant sits on an island he never set foot on.
Manzanillo, Costa Rica

Yicel Shipwreck

An intentionally grounded cargo ship remains half-buried in the sand.
St. Louis, Missouri

'The Naked Truth'

In the Compton Hill Reservoir Park sits a statue whose lack of clothing caused a scandal for the group that commissioned it.
Jersey City, New Jersey

Fairmount Apartments

Known as the "Grand Lady of Jersey City,” the city's first racially-integrated hotel was owned by a preacher who was, depending on who you ask, a cult leader, civil rights pioneer, or the manifestation of God.
Portnahaven, Scotland

Portnahaven Church

According to local legend, this church was built with two doors, so that residents of two rival villages had their own entrances.
Bowmore, Scotland

MacTaggart Leisure Centre

If you can’t dive into a whisky cask, this swimming pool might be the next best thing. 
Bowmore, Scotland

Bowmore Round Church

This remote Scottish island has the only round church in the nation.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Scotia Bar

Glasgow's oldest pub has a proud literary tradition and possibly a ghost or two.
Port Charlotte, Scotland

Tooth Stone

It's said taking a hammer and nail to this stone relieves a toothache.
Jersey City, New Jersey

JSQ Lounge

Prank calls to this place, originally the "Tube Bar," inspired the creation of a Simpsons character.
Húsafell, Iceland

Draugarétt (Ghost Fold)

Though they may seem like simple stones, these rocks represent a ghostly legend.
Húsafell, Iceland

Húsafell Lifting Stone

Pick up this rock and become an instant legend.
Drumheller, Alberta

Star Mine Suspension Bridge

Not for the faint of heart, this long pedestrian bridge rewards those who brave the wobbly walk with a beautiful view.