RipleyByrne's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Medina, New York

Culvert Road

This small road tunnel is the only place where you can cross beneath the Erie Canal.
Albion, New York

Cobblestone Museum

Intact 125-year-old carpentry shop and Victorian house, along with cobblestone architecture structures.
Spencerport, New York

Fairfield Cemetery

It is one of the few places in Rochester that has both Union and Confederate soldiers buried and honored.
Rochester, New York

The White Lady's Castle

An old dining hall now serves up ghost stories for lusty locals.
Rochester, New York

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery

A beautiful final resting place with some surprising residents.
Rochester, New York

Susan B. Anthony Museum & House

"Call for the doctor, call for the nurse... Vote!! said the lady with the alligator purse."
Rochester, New York

Garbage Plates at Nick Tahou Hots

Rochester's signature culinary delicacy.
Rochester, New York

Hutchison Hall Specimen Collection

Antique skeletons and taxidermy creatures were found crammed in a university closet.
Rochester, New York

Mount Hope Cemetery

An antique cemetery in New York, this land is home to any number of famed corpses.
Rochester, New York

Susan B. Anthony's Grave

The gravestone of the suffragist leader attracted extra visitors during the 2016 election.
Rochester, New York

Warner Castle

This New York estate was designed to resemble a medieval Scottish castle.
Rochester, New York

Rochester Lilac Festival

One of the largest festivals of flowers in North America takes place, appropriately, in the Flower City.
Rochester, New York

Central Library's Secret Room

A room hidden behind a swinging shelf in the children's section.
Rochester, New York

The Table That Could Talk To The Dead

The Fox Sisters, America's leading mediums in the mid-19th century, possessed a table they claimed helped them "communicate" with the dead.
Rochester, New York

International Center for the History of Electronic Games

Comprehensive gaming collection of over 30,000 electronic games and consoles.
Rochester, New York

The Dr. Seussophone

A Seussian sculpture made of brass instruments.
Rochester, New York


The floor-to-ceiling collection in an old factory is a unique alternative to stuffy galleries.
Rochester, New York

The George Eastman Museum

The home, museum, and death site of Kodak's influential founder.
Rochester, New York

Cobb’s Hill

Where the Millerites gathered to watch the end of the world in 1844—and left disappointed.
Rochester, New York

Cary Graphic Arts Collection

Explore the evolution of printing technology, from cuneiform to Kindle.
Honeoye Falls, New York

Fairy Houses of Mendon Ponds Park

An unassuming nature trail winds through dozens of tiny houses built for the wee people.
Pittsford, New York

Mushroom House of Rochester

Eclectic architecture in the woods of New York.
Palmyra, New York

Hill Cumorah

Golden plates containing what would become the Book of Mormon were believed to be buried on this New York hillside.
Palmyra, New York

The Sacred Grove

A field in which God and his son Jesus purportedly appeared to a young farm boy named Joseph Smith.