sheila d9aa4a2c's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
New York, New York

Tom's Restaurant

The "Seinfeld" diner.
Brooklyn, New York

New York Transit Museum

Ride the subways of yesteryear.
New York, New York

Alice in Wonderland Statue

This whimsical group of statues is a favorite of children who love to climb all over Lewis Carroll's beloved characters.
New York, New York

Berlin Wall Section

A celebration of capitalism in Midtown.
New York, New York

Gimbel's Bridge

A three-story copper skybridge connects two Manhattan buildings with Art Deco luxury.
New York, New York

Hess Triangle

New York City's smallest piece of private property.
New York, New York

Grand Central Terminal Whispering Gallery

Whisper secrets in a busy station only to be heard on the other side of this acoustic arch.
San Francisco, California

Arch of Colonial Trees

Thirteen trees representing the original thirteen colonies were planted with soil from historic Revolutionary battlefields.
San Francisco, California

Drawn Stone

Art in the form of a winding, man made crack in stone.
San Francisco, California

Dutch Windmill

The key to turning shifting dunes into the green oasis of Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

McElroy Octagon House

One of few lasting examples of the brief octagon craze that developed into folly.
San Francisco, California

Treasure Island

A man-made island in scenic San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco, California

The Golden Fire Hydrant

The miraculous hydrant that saved the Mission District in 1906.
San Francisco, California

Balmy Alley Murals

Since 1973, this block has been home to the most concentrated collection of murals in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Dangling Legs at the Piedmont Boutique

The giant pair of sexy legs sticking out the window of this costume store have become its main draw.

Farallon Islands

Nuclear waste dump site now an environmental sanctuary.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco Botanical Garden

Golden Gate Park's historic collection of plants.
San Francisco, California

Buena Vista Park Tombstones

Gold Rush-era tombstones line the park's paths.
San Francisco, California

Presidio Pet Cemetery

A monument to the love people have for their pets.
San Francisco, California

The Old Ship Saloon

A Barbary Coast watering hole built into a Gold Rush shipwreck.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco Center for the Book

This shop and studio is dedicated to the art of the book, from letterpress to bookbinding.
San Francisco, California

The 'Full House' House

This private residence was the template for one of the most beloved television homes of all time.
San Francisco, California

Vaillancourt Fountain

This concrete tangle of square pipes has stood as a proud thorn in the city's side since the '70s.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Bison

San Francisco's urban bison herd has persisted in the face of extinction, development, and disease.