tournoux's User Profile - Atlas Obscura


Iceland's largest lagoon is home to stunning multi-colored icebergs.
Reykjavik, Iceland


One of the tallest buildings in Iceland, and perhaps, the most visually impressive.

Kerið Crater Lake

This eye-popping Icelandic crater lake is surrounded by red volcanic rock.
Budapest, Hungary

‘The Fat Policeman’

Also known as Uncle Karl, the beloved bronze copper keeps a watchful eye on St. Stephen’s Basilica while people rub his lucky belly.
Budapest, Hungary

Paul Street Boys Monument

A scene from one of Hungary's most famous novels.
Budapest, Hungary

Carl Lutz Memorial

This sculpture honors the man who was known as the "Righteous Among the Nations."
Budapest, Hungary

Jewish Ghetto Wall

Hungarian Jews were ghettoized during the Second World War, but little remains of the original wall that closed the Jewish people off from the rest of the city.
Budapest, Hungary

Ronald Reagan Statue in Budapest

A statue in Budapest's Liberty Square honors the former U.S. president's efforts to end the Cold War.
Budapest, Hungary

Szimpla Kert

A Trabant car, a kangaroo statue, and a plethora of plants take over this abandoned-factory-turned-bar.
Budapest, Hungary

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

A trail of iron footwear stands as a monument to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII.
Prague, Czechia


A grumpy old water goblin guarding an old mill on the Devil’s Stream in Prague.
Prague, Czechia

Faustův Dům (Faust House)

A Baroque mansion with ties to legendary magicians and alchemists.
Prague, Czechia

Memorial to the Victims of Communism

Increasingly decayed figures stand as a powerful reminder of the human costs of Czech Communism.
Prague, Czechia

Old New Synagogue

Synagogue built from the stones of Solomon's temple contains the golem of Prague.
Prague, Czechia

Vinárna Čertovka

This walkway is so narrow it needs its own light to stop pedestrian traffic jams.
Prague, Czechia

Lennon Wall

Despite attempts by local police to discourage it, Beatles-inspired graffiti has been a means for artists to air grievances for decades.
Prague, Czechia

Museum of Communism

This Prague museum collects brutalist relics and memories from the country's former Soviet rule.
Prague, Czechia

Tančící dům - Dancing House of Prague

This tipsy office building in downtown Prague was originally called “Fred and Ginger.”
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Vienna, Austria

Ausgrabungen Michaelerplatz

In the middle of a Vienna square, Roman ruins dating back some 2,000 years are on display.
Vienna, Austria

Museumsquartier Passages

This series of Baroque passageways in Vienna's cultural center mix old architecture with modern art.
Vienna, Austria


Vienna's diversity-themed traffic lights were inspired by the Eurovision Song Contest.
Vienna, Austria

Wiener Pestsäule (Vienna Plague Column)

Baroque celebration of the end of the Great Plague of Vienna.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.