yorknl's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
LaCrosse, Washington

Palouse Falls

An obscure waterfall that looks like something out of a fantasy novel.
Long Beach, Washington

Washington's Largest Frying Pan

This super-sized skillet is a replica of a usable giant pan where a woman once skated on bacon.
Tacoma, Washington

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

This famous bridge twisted itself into oblivion, but not for the reason you might think.
Seattle, Washington

Majestic Bay Theatre

Continuing a tradition of movie magic on the site of America’s oldest continually operating movie theatre.
Olympia, Washington

Mima Mounds

Native American burial mounds? Giant gopher dens? No one knows what created the Mima Mounds.
La Push, Washington

Rialto Beach Tree Graveyard

Shoreline strewn with the remains of ghostly fallen trees.
Vancouver, British Columbia

VanDusen Garden's Elizabethan Hedge Maze

This Elizabethan hedge maze is one of only six in North America.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Girl in a Wetsuit'

What happens when a sculptor has to find a way around a 100-year-old copyright.
Los Angeles, California

Watts Towers

America's most famous piece of self-built architecture.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Fairview Lawn Cemetery

The final resting place of 121 victims of the RMS Titanic, 42 of which may never be identified.
Taos, New Mexico

Taos Pueblo

A multi-storied adobe complex has been inhabited for more than a thousand years.
Alamosa, Colorado

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

When ecosystems collide in the arid Southwest.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Garden of the Gods

Strange red rock formations that have been attributed to a higher power for hundreds of years.
Walhalla, South Carolina

Stumphouse Tunnel

An unfinished rail tunnel that has since been used to house cheese and bats.
New Mexico

Trinity Atomic Bomb Site

Twice a year, visitors can tour the desolate site that birthed the Atomic Age.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

White Sands National Park

Explore the largest pure gypsum deposit in the world, and go dune sledding while you're at it.
Roswell, New Mexico

International UFO Museum and Research Center

A museum dedicated to the alleged Roswell Incident.
Carlsbad, New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns

The second-largest cave chamber in the world was discovered in 1898 by a 16-year-old and a friend known as "Pothead."
Stevenson, Washington

Beacon Rock

An extraordinary mixture of natural beauty and man-made phenomena.
Corbett, Oregon

Multnomah Falls

A roaring, awe-inspiring double cascade of icy water flows through woodland Oregon like something out of a Tolkien novel.
Cougar, Washington

The Ape Cave

The longest continuous lava tube in the continental U.S. offers 2.5 miles of dark explorations for the adventurous.
Winlock, Washington

Winlock Egg

The world's largest egg has been cracked a number of times over the years but has been repeatedly replaced.
Seattle, Washington

Red Mill Totem House

permanently closed
Keeping Ballard's heritage alive with delicious, lightly battered Alaskan wild cod.
Seattle, Washington

Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Gardens

A young botanist's horticultural vision realized through a lifetime of planting, tending, and collecting seeds.