Fort Dunree
A retired military stronghold on the rolling green coast of Donegal.
Fort Dunree was built in 1798 (when Napoleon was still alive and walking around with his hand stuck in his waistcoat). It was remodeled in 1895 to accommodate the latest advances in weapons technology, and was an integral lookout point during World Wars I & II.
The fort is located on Lough Swilly, an important access point to Ireland throughout the country’s long history. Visitors will appreciate the Irish adhesion to real estate wisdom (location, location, location!) when they observe the picturesque setting of the fort. Resting on a small rocky outcropping over the water, the fort is otherwise surrounded by an extraordinarily lovely landscape that evokes a sense of history, romanticism, and age.
The museum offers a much more in-depth history tutorial of the fort and surrounding area, and also houses a collection of historical military memorabilia.
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