muscovyfran's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Peshtigo, Wisconsin

Peshtigo Fire Museum

A museum devoted to the victims and the survivors of the most catastrophic fire in American history.
Talkeetna, Alaska

Dr. Seuss House aka The Goose Creek Tower

This whimsical stacked cabin looks like something out of a children's book.
Newchapel, Wales

Cilwendeg Shell House Hermitage

This magical grotto is adorned with a complex pattern of native seashells, minerals, and fragments of colored glass.
Nashville, Tennessee

Culture + Co.

At this Nashville restaurant, cheese and charcuterie arrive via conveyor belt.
Le Diamant, Martinique

Rocher du Diamant (Diamond Rock)

This large stone off the coast of Martinique had a brief career in the Royal Navy.
Calumet Township, Michigan

Ruth Ann Miller Shrine

A tragedy and memorial that raised awareness about the dangers of unsealed mineshafts.
Ahiaruhe, New Zealand

Stonehenge Aotearoa

This modern New Zealand attraction honors ancient forms of astronomy and scientific understanding.
Jiutepec, Mexico

Camino Real Sumiya

The tragic heiress Barbara Woolworth Hutton built her seventh husband this Japanese-inspired palace in Mexico.
Worthington, Pennsylvania

Yellow Dog Village

Hidden in the hills of Western Pennsylvania lies one of the best-kept ghost towns in America that you can legally visit.
Ischia, Italy

Poor Clares Convent Cemetery

Deceased nuns were placed on stone chairs to decompose, while the surviving nuns prayed near the lifeless bodies.