rissemarie1123's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Estero, Florida

Mound Key Archaeological State Park

Long before Europeans arrived, Native Americans built an artificial island out of shells that has withstood a millennia of hurricanes.
St. Augustine, Florida

St. Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum

One of the oldest, tallest, and most haunted lighthouses in America.
Key West, Florida

Key West Historic Memorial Sculpture Garden

Recently celebrating its 25th anniversary, the garden opened in September 1997 to celebrate the men and women who have had the greatest impact on Key West.
Orlando, Florida

'The Traveler'

If you don't look closely, you might mistake this sculpture for just another passenger waiting at the airport.
St. Augustine, Florida

Old Spanish Chimney & Well

These ruins are all that remain of what a Spanish barrack that likely housed a quarry overseer, masons, and stone cutters involved in the construction of the Castillo de San Marco.
Orlando, Florida

‘Fantasy Swan’

A different kind of swan princess.
Orlando, Florida

World's Largest Entertainment McDonald's

Opened in 1976, this monster-sized version of the fast-food franchise is sometimes called the Epic McD.
St. Petersburg, Florida

St. Petersburg Post Office

A creative deviation in this post office's design was once a source of controversy.
Key West, Florida

The Key West Museum of Art & History at the Custom House

A historic landmark and museum filled with curious objects representing the history of Key West.
Celebration, Florida

Mickey Pylon

Electrical pylon in the shape of Disney's beloved mouse.
Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville Interchange Spiral

Must form and function forever remain at odds? Not if the Florida Department of Transportation has its way.
New Port Richey, Florida

Hacienda Hotel

Built in 1927, this pink stucco hotel once hosted stars of Hollywood’s silent movie era. Now it's being brought back to life.
New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Old Fort Park

These mysterious ruins are hidden amid this sleepy coastal city.
Key West, Florida

Tennessee Williams Museum

This small Key West museum is packed with dozens of artifacts that illustrate the life of the iconic playwright.
Key West, Florida

Key West High Heel Shoe Drop

Leave it to Key West to drop a real-live drag queen instead of a ball to mark the arrival of the New Year.
Sanibel, Florida

The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum

In a city crazy for seashells this museum educates and amazes visitors using the wonder of cast-off exoskeletons.
Key West, Florida

Truman's Little White House

A historic presidential getaway on the continental United States' southernmost island.
Sanford, Florida

I-4 Dead Zone

This stretch of highway is said to be haunted by ghosts of settlers whose graves were paved over.
St. Petersburg, Florida

Imagine Museum

You’ll feel like you’ve gone through the looking glass at this contemporary art museum filled with glass sculptures of every size, shape, and color.
Orlando, Florida

Global Convergence Sculpture

Remarkably realistic Florida shoal bass "swim" inside this large globoid sculpture.
Sanibel, Florida

Pistol Shrimp of Ding Darling

Just below the surface, shrimp are producing temperatures hotter than the sun.
Key West, Florida

The Conch Republic

"We Seceded Where Others Failed."
Key West, Florida

Hemingway's Last Penny

An idyllic swimming pool tells the tale of Hemingway's trouble with women.
Key West, Florida

U.S. Route 1 Mile 0 Sign

The highway's southernmost spot is a beloved local attraction.