abrandon509's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Chauvin, Louisiana

Our Lady of the Sea

Installed as a beacon of hope for a hurricane-racked island, the statue had to be moved multiple times due to the eroding coast.
Flora, Mississippi

Mississippi Petrified Forest

A preserved stretch of ancient fossilized trees with an impressive gem collection to boot.
Toomsuba, Mississippi

Simmons-Wright Company Store

This historic general store still operates much as it did in the late 1800s.
Meridian, Mississippi

Grave of Kelly Mitchell

The simple gravesite of a Romany clan leader is dotted with offerings, including cans of her favorite drink, Crush orange soda.
Hazlehurst, Mississippi

Robert Johnson House

A blues musician so talented that people said he must have traded his soul to the devil was born in this house.
Suches, Georgia

Toccoa River Swinging Bridge

They call this long foot bridge a swinging bridge, but really it's the bouncing you have to watch out for.
Griffin, Georgia

Doc Holliday's Grave in Griffin

Could this grave be the true resting place of legendary gunfighter "Doc" Holliday? Unclear.
Cleveland, South Carolina

Devils Kitchen at Caesars Head State Park

According to local lore, this narrow passageway through two large rocks was accidentally created by the devil himself.
Sunset, South Carolina

Sassafras Mountain

The highest point in South Carolina was once owned by an energy company that neglected it but now the state is taking it back.