aeholmquist's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Our Lord in the Attic

The attic of a four-century-old canal house hides a clandestine church.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Hash, Marijuana and Hemp Museum

The history and future of cannabis.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

Established in 1638 to battle the Black Death, Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam is a treasure trove of rare flora.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


The world's first zoo for microbes collecting the horrible and wonderful things living on and around us.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Poezenboot (The Cat Boat)

A floating cat sanctuary on an Amsterdam canal.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Museum Vrolik

A curious collection dedicated to human and animal anatomy and pathology.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Torture Museum

Museum preserving torture methods from the past.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


An ancient passage filled with stalls selling used books, once frequented by Vincent Van Gogh.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Three connected pink triangles memorialize persecuted gays and lesbians throughout history.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tassen Museum of Bags and Purses

permanently closed
The largest collection of handbags in the world, the oldest of which were used to carry Bibles, primarily by men.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.
London, England

The First Public Drinking Fountain

Public access to clean drinking water was an instant hit among the masses.
London, England

Euston's Lost Tunnels

A network of concealed passageways lies within a busy London Underground station.
London, England

Peace Garden at Tavistock Square

A quiet, semi-secret square with statues of Mahatma Gandhi, Virginia Woolf, and a conscientious objectors stone.
London, England

Polly at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese

The taxidermied remains of a once-great parrot.
London, England

Lullaby Factory

Wedged between two buildings at the Great Ormond Street Hospital is this secret music installation.
London, England

Fitzroy House

This historic London residence was once the womb of Scientology.
London, England

Brown Hart Gardens

It is still illegal to "quarrel" at this unlikely urban oasis built on top of an electrical substation.
London, England

Anaesthesia Heritage Centre

This knockout museum lies in a sleepy corner of London.
London, England

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Children's hospital in London that operates on royalties received from Peter Pan, which J.M. Barrie signed over in 1929.
London, England

Audley Square Spy Lamp Post

This overlooked street light once served as a KGB dead letter box.
London, England

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre

Traveling collection of amazing automata.
London, England

The Buried Remains of Little Compton Street

permanently closed
The signs of a long buried road can still be found hidden beneath a London sewer grate.
London, England

Hungerford Footbridge Skateboard Graveyard

The broken skateboards that became a poignant memorial to a murdered skater.