alxndr's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Belgium
Places edited in Caesarea, Israel
Places visited in Heuvelland, Belgium
Places visited in Brussels, Belgium
Places visited in Oxfordshire, England
Places visited in Ballasalla, Isle of Man
Places edited in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Rome, Italy

Passetto di Borgo

The Pope’s secret escape route.
Rome, Italy

The Flying Donkey

Rome's first modern graffito is all that is left of a peaceful protest from the 1970s.
Rome, Italy

Campo de Fiori

This ritzy Italian market is built around a statue of an unforgiven heretic who was burned for his belief in an endless universe.
Rome, Italy

Passetto del Biscione

This hidden alley near the location of Rome's first theater was the site of a curious miracle.
Rome, Italy

Casa di Lorenzo Manilio

A 15th-century monumental Latin inscription on this house celebrates Lorenzo Manilio's love for Rome.
Rome, Italy

Tarpeian Rock

In the early Roman Empire, people deemed traitors and criminals were tossed to their deaths from this rock.
Rome, Italy

Madama Lucrezia

This statue is the only female representation of Rome's "talking statues."
Rome, Italy

Mussolini's Balcony

The spot where the fascist dictator made some of his most famous speeches including declaring war on Britain and France.
Rome, Italy

Stumbling Stones of Rome

Brass cobblestones mark the places where individual Holocaust victims were taken from their homes.
Rome, Italy

Quartiere Coppedè

Architectureal fantasy quarter of Rome.
Rome, Italy

Saint Catherine Russian Orthodox Church

The first Russian Orthodox church in the Catholic city of Rome in almost a thousand years.
Rome, Italy

Stadio dei Marmi

This Italian stadium makes liberal use of fascist statuary to evoke classical sporting arenas.
Rome, Italy

Wheel of the Exposed

An unremarkable wooden wheel built into the side of one of Rome's oldest hospitals was part of a policy to reduce infant exposure.
Rome, Italy

Torquato Tasso's Oak Tree

The charred, dead skeleton of an oak tree is said to have consoled a dying 16th-century Italian poet.
Rome, Italy

Anita Garibaldi Monument

The Italian revolutionary's legendary wife is portrayed on horseback waving a gun and holding her child in this memorial on the Janiculum.
Rome, Italy

'The Brave Righetto'

Among the busts of heroes of the Roman Republic of 1849, there is also a statue of a boy and his dog.
Rome, Italy

Tempietto at San Pietro in Montorio

More sculpture than building, this architecturally significant temple was built on the spot of Saint Peter's crucifixion.
Rome, Italy

Chiesa di San Francesco a Ripa Grande (Church of San Francesco a Ripa)

A small cell adjacent to this church was once the bedroom for a renowned saint.
Rome, Italy

Mercatus Traiani (Trajan's Market)

This ancient market is often referred to as the oldest shopping mall in the world.
Rome, Italy

Cloaca Maxima

The "Greatest Sewer" of ancient Rome is one of the oldest sewer systems in the world, and is still in use.
Rome, Italy

Pons Aemilius

The only remaining arch of the oldest stone bridge in Rome stands in the middle of the Tiber.
Rome, Italy

Casa dei Crescenzi

A rare example of a medieval house in Rome adorned with a melancholic inscription.
Rome, Italy

Temple of Portunus

This small, ancient Roman temple was once a church dedicated to the patron saint of penitents.
Rome, Italy

Temple of Hercules Victor

This curious, round temple is the oldest still-standing marble building in Rome.