bertcrabbe's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
AO Member
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Places visited in Ochopee, Florida
Places visited in Encinitas, California
Places visited in Port Orange, Florida
Places visited in Annapolis, Maryland
Places visited in San Diego, California
Places visited in Springfield, Illinois
Places visited in New Smyrna Beach, Florida
Places edited in Milford, Connecticut
Milford, Connecticut

Aerosol Techniques Factory

This enormous abandoned factory is now a makeshift graffiti gallery.
Calverton, New York

F-14 Grumman Memorial Park

A tribute to the hard-working men and women of Grumman, who crafted F-14 fighter jets.
Queens, New York

James Corbett Home

The home of former Heavyweight Boxing Champion, "Gentleman Jim" Corbett.
Queens, New York

Greaser on a Clock

A mysterious statue of a leather jacket-clad rebel leans coolly on an odd yellow clock.
Miami, Florida

Miami Jai-Alai

The timeworn "Yankee Stadium" of the fastest game in the world isn't going anywhere.
LaPlace, Louisiana

Frenier Cemetery

All that remains of this small town is its mass grave and a myth of a voodoo priestess who predicted its demise.
San Diego, California

Abandoned Freeway Stub on State Route 163

The freeway that never was.
Brooklyn, New York

The Old Headquarters of Murder, Inc.

This otherwise innocuous bodega was once the headquarters of the most feared assassin's guild in American history.
Queens, New York

The Alley Pond Giant

The oldest living organism in New York City. Maybe.
Queens, New York

Bayside Cemetery

One of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in the city, it is now overgrown with an urban forest.
Elizabeth, New Jersey

Arthur Kill Vertical Bridge

Featuring the the longest lift span of any vertical-lift bridge in the world.