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Places visited in Cancún, Mexico
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Fortville, Indiana

Martini-Drinking Pink Elephant

The bespectacled, cocktail-sipping pachyderm is a strange but fitting liquor store mascot.
Bacalar, Mexico

Laguna de Bacalar (Lake of Seven Colors)

At least seven hues of blue and turquoise make this freshwater lagoon unique.
Progreso, Mexico

Puerto de Altura (Progreso Pier)

It would take you approximately an hour and a half to walk to the end of Mexico's largest pier.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

El Caracol

No telescopes, no power, no gift shop: The Observatory of Chichen Itza, one of the world's oldest observatories, takes astronomy back to basics.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chich'en Itza

Every equinox this Maya pyramid puts on a spooky ancient light show.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Chichen Itza Chirp

Clap your hands at the base of the pyramid, and the song of a sacred Mayan bird will echo through the air.
Puerto Morelos, Mexico

The Leaning Lighthouse

Still standing despite its considerable slant, this tilted lighthouse has become a local symbol of resilience.
Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Conch Shell House

Beach instrument turned bed and breakfast.
Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Isla Mujeres Sea-View Cemetery

An island graveyard with spectacular views of the Caribbean.
Cancún, Mexico

Old Airport Control Tower

One of Mexico's youngest major cities still holds on to this structure representing its short modern history.
Guapán, Ecuador


Ecuador's largest Incan ruins show evidence of sophisticated irrigation and diplomacy among the ancient builders.
Cuenca, Ecuador

Museo Pumapungo (Pumapungo Museum)

This museum’s collection includes rescued birds, fine art, and a collection of shrunken heads.
Bogotá, Colombia

National Observatory of Colombia

Erected in 1803, it is the first astronomical observatory that was built in the Americas.
Bogotá, Colombia

Museo del Oro

This Bogotá museum houses the world's largest collection of pre-Columbian gold relics.
Bogotá, Colombia

La Puerta Falsa

This tiny shop has been serving traditional tamales for more than 200 years.
Cusco, Peru

The Twelve-Angled Stone

This geometric feat is a testament to the Incas' mesmerizing architectural abilities.
Cusco, Peru

Guinea Pig Last Supper

A painting in the historic Cathedral Basilica depicts Jesus and his disciples dining on a traditional Peruvian menu.
Cusco, Peru

Museo de la Coca (Coca Museum)

A fascinating little museum all about the rich history of Peru’s famous plant.
Cusco, Peru

Cusco Cathedral

Situated on a sacred Inca site, this 16th-century cathedral took nearly 100 years to build.
Cusco, Peru

Plaza de Armas

Built on the remains of one the Incas’ most important gathering spots, this square keeps the spirit of a fallen empire alive.
Urubamba, Peru


Sleep in a glass pod dangling off a cliff.
Alexandria, Indiana

World's Largest Ball of Paint

Covered in tens of thousands of coats of paint, this Indiana attraction holds a world record all its own.
Whittier, Alaska

Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel

Running under an entire mountain, the longest highway tunnel in North America is kept fresh using portal fans and jet fans.
Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska


The king of U.S. high points towers over every other peak on the continent.