DreadThorn's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Cuenca, Spain

Ciudad Encantada

Geological storytelling.
Toledo, Spain

Museo de la Tortura

A display of torture devices used in the Spanish Inquisition and other scourges of medieval Europe.
Toledo, Spain

Pozo Amargo (Bitter Well)

The water of this well in Toledo lost its sweetness after the death of a young love.
Aranjuez, Spain

Estanque de los Chinescos (Chinese Pond)

This 18th-century pond is one of the main attractions in the Jardín del Príncipe in Aranjuez.
Segovia, Spain

Alcázar de Segovia

This magnificent castle grew from a small Moorish fortress, and reportedly inspired two iconic Disney castles.
Segovia, Spain

Segovia Aqueduct

One of the few remaining ancient aqueducts described by Frontinus as 'the most solemn testimony of the Empire.'
Segovia, Spain

Sirenas de Segovia

These "mermaids" that surround a plaza in Segovia are rather sphinx-like.
Segovia, Spain

Allegory of 'The Tree of Life'

A curious memento mori hangs in the magnificent Cathedral of Segovia.
Manzanares el Real, Spain

Manzanares el Real Castle

A magnificent, long-abandoned castle built in the wake of the reconquest of Spain.
Madrid, Spain

Fountain of the Fallen Angel

Commonly acknowledged as the only public monument to the Devil himself.
Madrid, Spain

'La Plaza de la Luna'

In the fictional world of Kcymaerxthaere, celestial wonders marked a portal to a powerful route of travel at this site in Madrid, Spain.