ggow's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Oxford, England

Beaumont Palace Marker

A hidden plaque is the only reminder of the lost palace where two storied English kings were born.
York, England

'Constantine the Great'

This sculpture marks the spot where one of the greatest Roman rulers was proclaimed emperor.
York, England

Shambles of York

Follow the original medieval paths that wind through this intriguing section of the city.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Charles II Statue

Edinburgh's oldest statue hides within a parking lot behind the city's iconic cathedral.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mons Meg

A six-ton wedding present for the King of the Scots.
Edinburgh, Scotland

David Hume's Statue

Touching this 18th-century Scottish philosopher’s toe allegedly conjures good fortune.
Edinburgh, Scotland

William Wallace and Robert the Bruce Statues

Overlooked by many, the two famous Scottish warriors guard the main gate of Edinburgh Castle.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wojtek the Soldier Bear Memorial

A statue in the heart of Edinburgh honors a bear that served in the Polish military during World War II.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Heart of Midlothian

A sweet symbol marks the place where torturous executions were once carried out.
London, England

Victoria & Albert Museum Dining Rooms

Revel in the Victorian splendor of the world's oldest eating establishment inside a museum.
Witney, England

The Devil's Quoits

A renovated henge and stone circle just south of Stanton Harcourt village.
Oxford, England

Morris Garage

This nondescript building was the birthplace of Morris cars.
Oxford, England

James Sadler Plaque

Site of the first hot air balloon flight conducted by the first English balloonist.
Oxford, England

Martyr's Mark

The spot where three Protestant clergymen were burned at the stake during the reign of "Bloody Mary."
Oxford, England

The Norrington Room

Once one of the largest rooms full of books in the world, this bookstore basement is still a treat for bibliophiles.
Oxford, England

Another Time II

Hidden in plain sight, this creepy sculpture watches from above.
Liverpool, England


Created as a punny statement about genetic engineering this monstrous hybrid statue has become a beloved icon.
Coventry, England

Ford's Hospital

For over 500 years this timbered alms house has provided a home for elderly residents of Coventry.
Coventry, England

Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom Clock

Every hour on the hour a naked heroine and her leering foil appear from this giant cuckoo clock.
Coventry, England

Spon Street

A preserved block of timber buildings from the city's industrial era in the Middle Ages.
Oxford, England

Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology

Used as an example in one of the first dictionary entries for "museum" in 1706.
Oxford, England

Pitt Rivers Museum

Ancient Egyptian wigs, South American feather headdresses, a bounty of anthropological artifacts in Oxford.