joydry's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Asheville, North Carolina

Flat Iron Sculpture

This giant iron playfully pays tribute to an early 20th-century architectural trend.
Asheville, North Carolina

Pritchard Park Drum Circle

Every week, a festive public jam session breaks out in downtown Asheville.
Jefferson, Virginia

Stoney Point Railroad

Hop on the train and tour an elaborate miniature town made completely of junk (including the train).
Thurmond, West Virginia

Thurmond, West Virginia

Once connected to the outside world by a single train track, this ghost town is looked after by the National Park Service.
Raleigh, North Carolina

Pine State Creamery Butter Churn

A giant cement churn carries the legacy of American resilience, unity, and greed.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Old Gold Camp Road Tunnels

The haunted reputation of these abandoned Colorado train tunnels is probably not helped by the terrifying spiked fence.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado

Cadet Chapel

Air Force Academy Chapel made of 100 identical tetrahedrons works to inspire those of all religions.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Cheyenne Mountain Complex

The superstar of Cold War nuclear bunkers has been featured in countless films but is now barely operational.
Denver, Colorado

The Grave of Silas Soule

In a dry, neglected cemetery lies the unassuming grave of a soldier vilified in life but celebrated in death.
Radford, Virginia

St. Albans Sanatorium

Paranormal investigators claim this abandoned asylum is the most haunted spot in the eastern U.S.
Olanta, South Carolina

Woods Bay State Park

This natural wonderland is a unique chance to explore a Carolina bay, a mysterious geological formation of unknown origin.
Wilmington, North Carolina

Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden

Garden dedicated to native carnivorous plants and site of huge flytrap heist.
Wilmington, North Carolina

Museum of the Bizarre

A curious collection of oddities including a lock of Alexander Hamilton's hair and Harry Houdini's ouija board.
Pawleys Island, South Carolina

Alice Flagg's Grave

Visitors come from all over to bring gifts and tokens to the grave of Alice, who is thought to have died of a broken heart.
Bird Island, North Carolina

Kindred Spirit Mailbox

A mailbox that saved a nature reserve.
Conway, South Carolina

Travelers Chapel

This tiny chapel next to a highway provides weary travelers a place to rest, pray, or maybe even get married.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Myrtle Beach Colored School Museum

This small museum dedicated to the painful memory of segregation is essentially a time capsule.
Asheville, North Carolina

Silver River Center for Chair Caning

This Asheville chair museum wants to revive a dying art.
Asheville, North Carolina

Haywood Street Fresco

This ancient art form was used to capture the lives and struggles of the Haywood Street ministry.
Asheville, North Carolina

Thomas Wolfe Memorial

An early life spent in this "Old Kentucky Home" inspired the writings of North Carolina's most famous novelist.
Charlotte, North Carolina

Musical Parking Garage

This nine-story building can be played like an instrument.
Charlotte, North Carolina

Wall Poems of Charlotte

Colorful murals stationed throughout Charlotte bring poetry to everyone.
Collettsville, North Carolina

The House of Mugs

A cabin completely covered in coffee mugs, where visitors are welcome to leave one of their own—if they can find an empty nail.
Charlotte, North Carolina

Hilton Sisters Grave

Conjoined twins Daisy and Violet Hilton were stars of the vaudeville circuit.