kateschreiber19's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Places visited in Shamrock, Texas
Places visited in Durango, Colorado
St Mary's, Colorado

Saint Mary's Glacier

Colorado’s most beloved glacier is an imposter.
Pawhuska, Oklahoma

Osage County Courthouse

Site of the 1926 murder trial of Ernest Burkhart who was involved in the "Reign of Terror."
Derby, Vermont

Haskell Free Library and Opera House

This unusual building straddles two countries.
Oslo, Norway

Forest of the Future Library

One thousand trees were planted in Norway to be used to print books a century from now.
Dayton, Nevada

The Republic of Molossia

The smallest country in the world.
Paris, France

Oldest Tree in Paris

This 400-year-old tree is actually an immigrant from North America.
Košice, Slovakia

The Republic of the East

Pay your respects to a country that only existed for a few weeks.
Irondale, Missouri

Devil's Honeycomb

Some of the oldest exposed rock formations in the United States.
Aspen, Colorado

John Denver Sanctuary

Fill up your senses in this beautiful riverside garden, dedicated to the works of singer-songwriter John Denver.
Cedar Crest, New Mexico

Sandia Medallion Trees

Mysterious markers have been giving the public a lesson in dendrochronology for over a century.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Gilgal Sculpture Garden

A hidden garden of stones engraved with scriptures, a Joseph Smith Sphinx, all carved by one man.
Golden, Colorado

American Alpine Club Library

permanently closed
"All Mountains - All The Time."
Manitou Springs, Colorado

Miramont Castle Museum

This enigmatic building features numerous architectural styles.
Florissant, Colorado

Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument

The largest source of fossilized insects anywhere.
London, England

God's Own Junkyard

A kaleidoscopic warehouse-maze of handmade neon signs.
Chicago, Illinois

Michael's Museum

A curious collection of miniatures in a quiet corner of the Chicago Children's Museum.
Chicago, Illinois

Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures

This surprising gem is a world-class archeological museum hidden at the University of Chicago.
Sierra Vista, Arizona

Murray Springs Clovis Site

A short interpretive trail about one of the first human cultures in North America.
Bowie, Arizona

Fort Bowie National Historic Site

The former home of the army detachment that captured Geronimo.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Pluto Discovery Telescope

A planet-hunting astrograph built in the 1920s to seek out the so-called "Planet X" beyond Uranus.
Scottsdale, Arizona

Robert McCall Space Windows at Kilgore Chapel

An out of this world experience.
Chinle, Arizona

Canyon de Chelly National Monument

Red sandstone structures dominate this landscape, which has been inhabited for some 5,000 years.
Tucson, Arizona

University of Arizona Mathematical Models Collection

A cabinet of curious mathematical models and old calculators.
Williams, Arizona

Keyhole Sink

A small canyon with petroglyphs and a seasonal waterfall, only a short hike from the remnants of old Route 66.