LexiRaine's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Orlando, Florida

World's Largest Entertainment McDonald's

Opened in 1976, this monster-sized version of the fast-food franchise is sometimes called the Epic McD.
St. Augustine, Florida

Dungeon Under the Stairs at the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse

It's a pretty creepy lock-up.
Bunnell, Florida

The Old Brick Road

Part of a highway network meant to connect Miami to Montreal, this 10-mile stretch of road made from red bricks is still around 100 years later.
Starke, Florida

Atheist Monument

The first atheist monument on public land in the United States.
Tampa, Florida

'America, America'

This sculpture is one of many stunning features along Tampa’s Riverwalk.
Kissimmee, Florida

Splendid China

Once featuring over 60 miniature replicas of famous Chinese locations, the Splendid China theme park was completely abandoned and is now mostly rubble.
St. Augustine, Florida

St. Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum

One of the oldest, tallest, and most haunted lighthouses in America.
Tampa, Florida

Hong Kong Willie

This funky outdoor gallery in Florida is filled with whimsical recycled art installations.
Savannah, Georgia

Original Taco Bell Sign

This twisty sign depicts the chain's first logo.
Lakeland, Florida

The Polk Theatre

A historical landmark that has been a central hub of entertainment since 1928.
Lakeland, Florida

Publix Cake Water Tower

A towering, steel behemoth that has graced the skyline of Lakeland, Florida since the early 1980s.
St. Augustine, Florida

The Ponce de León Hotel

A luxurious 1880s hotel with its fair share of Tiffany stained glass, Edison electricity, and of course, ghosts.
Dade City, Florida

Florida's Volkswagen graveyard

VW heaven in the backwoods of Dade City, now gone.
Mount Dora, Florida

Art Alley

A small strip of artistic displays is tucked away in a flea market.
Gotha, Florida

Bob Ross's Grave

Loyal fans of one television's most famous painters still come to pay their respects.
St. Augustine, Florida

Pinehurst and San Sebastian Cemeteries

The graves in Florida's oldest Black cemeteries are marked with shells, stones, and mementos of the deceased.
Thunderbolt, Georgia

Charles F. Mills Grave Bell

A 19th-century cemetery device to ensure that the prematurely buried would be "saved by the bell."
Pensacola Beach, Florida

Fort Pickens

One of the only Florida forts to remain in the hands of the Union all through the Civil War still stands as a historic stronghold.
St. Augustine, Florida

Fort Matanzas National Monument

An 18th-century Spanish watchtower made entirely of seashell and concrete.
Savannah, Georgia

Rousakis Plaza Echo Square

"X" marks the spot of an echo chamber in the middle of a plaza.
Savannah, Georgia

The Waving Girl

A statue honoring 44 continuous years of greeting passing ships.
St. Marys, Georgia

St. Marys Submarine Museum

Interactive modern and vintage submarine equipment, World War II relics, and submarine attire.
Savannah, Georgia

The Paris Market

This quirky curiosity shop takes its cues from the world's bazaars.
St. Petersburg, Florida

Salvador Dalí Museum

Florida might be at its most surreal in this museum devoted to the famed Spanish artist.