lucaspatmat's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Coulee City, Washington

Blue Lake Rhino Cave

A cave interior in the shape of the ancient rhinoceros, created by lava cooling around its carcass.
Granite Falls, Washington

Big Four Ice Caves

Cave carved out of a huge snow drift collapsed killing one and injuring five in July 2015.
Coulee City, Washington

Dry Falls

Site of the greatest known waterfall that ever existed.
Touchet, Washington

Twin Sisters

Legend says that these tall basalt pillars are the petrified wives of a trickster god.
Seattle, Washington

Eastlake Zoo Tavern

One of the only cooperatively owned bars in the nation wears its eclectic history on its walls.
Tacoma, Washington

Bob's Java Jive

Tacoma’s 25-foot coffee pot music spot has served up over 80 years of concrete kitsch.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Giant Sequoia Tree

This grand old 80-foot sequoia towers above the buildings in the city’s retail center.
Granite Falls, Washington

Lime Kiln Trail

Four abandoned towers hidden above the Douglas fir forest in Washington.
Cougar, Washington

Ape Canyon

This scenic gorge is named after one of the most famous Bigfoot attacks in pseudohistory.
Renton, Washington

Jimi Hendrix Memorial

The final resting place of one of the most sensational guitar players of all time was created only after his father got the rights to his music.
Seattle, Washington

Scarecrow Video

Browse through roughly 130,000 titles in the world's largest independent video rental store.
Pullman, Washington

The Junk Castle

A home made entirely from scrapped, reclaimed and recycled material in Whitman County, Washington.
Port Orchard, Washington

Elandan Gardens

Bonsai trees that are up to a thousand years old.
Molson, Washington

Okanogan Highland Ghost Towns

This former mining hub holds a surprising abundance of undisturbed relics from the Old West.
Winthrop, Washington

Barron Ghost Town

Hundreds of hopeful gold miners came here to get rich, but only two years later the small town was deserted.
Seattle, Washington

Panama Hotel and Tea Shop

This historic building provides a powerful glimpse into the lives of Japanese Americans forced to relocate during World War II.
Forks, Washington

Second Beach

A surreal landscape where fanged rocks rise from the ground and the ocean feels like a great mystery.
Seattle, Washington

The Wall of Death

A "sinister, whimsical, tacky, and really orange" public art installation hidden under a Seattle bridge.
Carnation, Washington

Camlann Village

This medieval village/restaurant perpetually celebrates the year 1376.
Seattle, Washington

Off the Rez Cafe

Where else would a linchpin of post-colonial Native American cuisine anchor the menu but a museum?
Seattle, Washington

Amazon Spheres

The tech giant built three enormous glass orbs in Seattle so employees could work inside a rainforest greenhouse.
Friday Harbor, Washington

Afterglow Vista

This family mausoleum is steeped in symbolism and looks more like a fantasy location than a grave.
Seattle, Washington

Add-a-Ball Bar and Arcade

A (slightly) grownup take on the classic retro arcade.
Seattle, Washington

Freeway Park

The first park built over a freeway is a brutalist masterwork.