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Salzburg, Austria

Panorama Museum Salzburg

This 19th century cyclorama acts like an analogue time machine to a different era.
Salzburg, Austria

Zwerglgarten (Dwarf Garden)

Ugly 18th-century dwarf statues living in a perfectly landscaped Austrian garden.
Oslo, Norway

Vigeland Sculpture Park

One man's exploration of the human form, including the bizarre and delightful "Man Attacked by Babies."
Belfast, Northern Ireland

St. George's Market

The last Victorian market in Belfast.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

'The Salmon of Knowledge'

A giant sculpture of the legendary "Salmon of Knowledge" celebrates the return of fish to Belfast's River Lagan.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Europa Hotel

It was once nicknamed "the most bombed hotel in Europe."
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Samson and Goliath

These engineering masterpieces are a dominant feature of the Belfast skyline.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Gassy Jack' Statue

An effigy of Vancouver's Gastown neighorhood's namesake.
Chicago, Illinois

Couch Place (The Alley of Death)

This alley in downtown Chicago held the bodies of over 600 people after the fateful Iroquois Theatre fire.
Tokyo, Japan

Giant GUNDAM Robot

A 20-meter (65-foot) robot towers over Tokyo Bay.
Tokyo, Japan

The Giant Ghibli Clock

Tokyo’s only Vaudeville-cuckoo clock–steampunk-Victorian curio cabinet time piece.
Tokyo, Japan

Akihabara Electric Town

Once a black market electronics marketplace, now an otaku shopper's paradise.
Tokyo, Japan

Omoide Yokocho

Colloquially known as “piss alley,” this narrow street filled with tiny bars and barbecue stands looks like it was pulled straight out of “Blade Runner.”
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Girl in a Wetsuit'

What happens when a sculptor has to find a way around a 100-year-old copyright.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden

Traditional 15th century Chinese garden in the middle of Vancouver.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Gastown Steam Clock

A working steam clock, one of only a few in the world, located in Vancouver's Victorian Gastown.
Baildon, England

Shipley Glen Tramway

This quaint funicular has been ferrying people up and down an English valley since the Victorian era.
Whitby, England

Ruins of Whitby Abbey

The gloomy ruins that inspired Bram Stoker to bring Dracula to life.
Whitby, England

199 Steps Coffin Benches

These planks were originally installed to hold the dead.
Bamburgh, England

Grace Darling Museum

This museum honors the young maritime hero who became an unexpected Victorian-era celebrity.
Glasgow, Scotland

Duke of Wellington Statue

This stately monument has been wearing a traffic cone hat for decades much to the delight of the locals.
Bristol, England

'Well Hung Lover'

Banksy's image of a naked man dangling from the window of a sex health clinic.
Bristol, England

Clifton Rocks Railway

The abandoned funicular tunnel was a secret base for the BBC during World War II.
Gdańsk, Poland

Gdańsk Shipyard

A floundering Polish shipyard was once the soul of the Solidarity movement that capsized communism.