Michonne's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Michonne's activity rankings
Places visited in Marfa, Texas
Places visited in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Places visited in New Harmony, Indiana
Places visited in Lindsborg, Kansas
Places visited in Moundsville, West Virginia
Places visited in Kowloon, Hong Kong
Places visited in Chichicastenango, Guatemala
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Winterset, Iowa

The Bridges of Madison County

Romance fans worldwide make the pilgrimage to this group of historic covered bridges in rural Iowa.
St. Petersburg, Florida

Imagine Museum

You’ll feel like you’ve gone through the looking glass at this contemporary art museum filled with glass sculptures of every size, shape, and color.
Honolulu, Hawaii

National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific

Hawaii’s largest cemetery rests inside an extinct volcano crater.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Camel Rock

A natural formation that resembles a camel resting in the New Mexico desert.
Corona, New Mexico

'Cowboy Ruckus'

Catch two 18-foot-tall ranchers mid-brawl as you drive by on Highway 285.
Roswell, New Mexico

Roswell McDonald's

This fast-food outlet is the only space and UFO-themed McDonalds in the world.
Roswell, New Mexico

International UFO Museum and Research Center

A museum dedicated to the alleged Roswell Incident.
Carlsbad, New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns

The second-largest cave chamber in the world was discovered in 1898 by a 16-year-old and a friend known as "Pothead."
Alamogordo, New Mexico

White Sands National Park

Explore the largest pure gypsum deposit in the world, and go dune sledding while you're at it.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

PistachioLand: World's Largest Pistachio

This is one really big nut.
Magdalena, New Mexico

The Very Large Array

Twenty-seven massive radio antennas on the high plains of New Mexico search for life on other planets.
Zaandam, Netherlands

Verfmolen De Kat

This windmill has been grinding pigments for traditional paints for more than 200 years.
Moundsville, West Virginia

West Virginia State Penitentiary

Beyond the usual stories that attend old prisons, this one has deep bloody undercurrents.
Moundsville, West Virginia

Grave Creek Mound

The largest burial mound in the United States holds the remains of prehistoric West Virginians.
Moundsville, West Virginia

New Vrindaban Palace of Gold

Despite its lavish ornamentation, and wholesome lifestyle of its devotees, this mountain commune has faced its share of issues.
Sweetwater, Tennessee

Lost Sea

Enormous lake at the bottom of a unique cave system.
Marietta, Ohio

B&O Harmar Bridge

This historic Ohio bridge is adorned with fanciful locks left behind by loving couples.
Lindsborg, Kansas

1904 World's Fair Swedish Pavilion

A preserved relic of the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair and a center of Swedish American Culture.
Charleston, South Carolina

Stede Bonnet Hanging Site

Most historians agree that the so-called "Gentleman Pirate" wasn't much of either of those things.
Sullivan's Island, South Carolina

Osceola's Grave

The final resting place of the Seminole Indian chief who fought against government occupation in Florida.
Pitlochry, Scotland

Pitlochry Fish Ladder

An exceptional engineering feat that facilitates the migration of salmon upstream during their breeding season.
Chicago, Illinois

Kinzie Street Bridge

In 2004, a Dave Matthews Band tour bus dumped 800 pounds of waste off a bridge and onto an unsuspecting tour boat below.
Washington, D.C.

Albert Einstein Bronze Statue

The beloved statue at the National Academy of Sciences is oh so inviting to sit on.
Geneva, Switzerland

Liszt Memorial

A memorial to a 19th-century composer who was known for driving crowds wild.