Mousa's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Rotorua, New Zealand


Major tourist destination known for its bubbling mud-pools and hot thermal springs.
Broken Hill, Australia

Broken Hill Sculpture Symposium

Twelve sculptures designed to make their best showing with the coming or going of the sun.
Canfranc, Spain

Canfranc International Railway Station

Abandoned Nazi train station turned underground astroparticle laboratory.
La Ferté-sur-Chiers, France

Ouvrage La Ferté

This striking fort on the Maginot Line looks just as it did after being destroyed in the Fall of France.
Nuremberg, Germany


An ornate sculpture of an ox in repose marks the former entrance to Nuremberg's medieval meat market, which was destroyed during World War II.
Nuremberg, Germany

The Kongresshalle, Nuremberg

This abandoned coliseum was intended to be a grand Nazi rallying ground before it was halted at the end of the war.
Darwin, Australia

Darwin Oil Storage Tunnels

World War II ended before these tunnels built to protect vital oil from Japanese bombs were ever used.
Athens, Greece

Choragic Monument of Lysicrates

The only surviving choragic monument is a trophy awarded in 334 BC for the winning dramatic chorus.
Athens, Greece

Dromeas (The Runner)

A sharp sculpture made of thousands of pieces of jagged glass.
Athens, Greece

Petraki Monastery

The oldest standing Byzantine church in Athens is tucked within a monastery in the middle of an upscale shopping district.
Petra District, Jordan


An ancient capital city that dates back 3,000 years old and harbors many surprises.
Petra District, Jordan

Little Petra

A more chill but no less fascinating version of the famous ancient archeological site.
Mikonos, Greece

Terrace of the Lions

Replicas of Apollo's leonine stone guard cats still line a sacred row in Greece.
Masada, Israel


This daunting 1st century fortress was purportedly the site of one of the most dramatic revolts of the Jewish-Roman wars.
Areedh Sub-District, Jordan

Fortress of Machaerus

These ruins by the Dead Sea is where John the Baptist met his untimely end.
West Bank


The remains of this ancient fortress atop a manmade hill look as though they were built into a volcano.
West Bank


The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in the ruins of this ancient monastic community.
Jerusalem, Israel

Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem

The only quarter of the Old City not dedicated to a major world religion.
East Jerusalem, Israel

Immovable Ladder on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

A "miracle" that seems to produce more holy fistfights than holy revelations.
Çanakkale, Turkey


This famous city eluded concrete detection until the early 2000's.
Amman, Jordan

Umayyad Palace

This restored eighth-century palace is a shining example of ancient Umayyad architecture.
Es-Salt, Jordan


This ancient town is full of stunning Ottoman architecture and streets so narrow trash collection is done by donkey.
Jerash, Jordan

The Ruins of Jerash

Gladiators battle and chariots race daily in the ruins of a once-great Roman city.
Kuşadası, Turkey


A charming beach town in Turkey captures all the colors of the rainbow.