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Places edited in Traverse City, Michigan
Traverse City, Michigan

Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park Fairy Trail

This enchanting forest trail leads to ethereal abodes and a giant bird's nest.
Pontiac, Michigan

Pontiac Silverdome

permanently closed
What was once the largest NFL stadium.
Beulah, Michigan

Old Benzie County Courthouse

This former county courthouse was originally an opulent hotel and entertainment venue.
Frankfort, Michigan

Frankfort Marine Gateway

The structure has welcomed visitors to this scenic harbor city on Lake Michigan for many decades.
Clare, Michigan

Michigan Transportation Employees Memorial

The statues honor the state transportation employees who've died while performing their work-related duties.
Elk Rapids, Michigan

Talula the Elk Rapids Swan

Talula the swan has been welcoming visitors to Elk Rapids, Michigan, for more than four decades.
Kalkaska, Michigan

National Trout Memorial

This tremendous trout welcomes visitors to a northern Michigan town with a rich fishing history.
Baldwin, Michigan

World’s Largest Brown Trout Sculpture

This enormous fish commemorates the unplanned release of brown trout into a Michigan river.
Cadillac, Michigan

Old Indian Trail

A series of 33 stone markers maps an ancient 55-mile transportation route.
Traverse City, Michigan

Doug Murdick’s Rooftop Box of Fudge

For more than 50 years, an iconic sign has greeted visiting “fudgies” to the Traverse City area.
Charlevoix, Michigan

Former World's Largest Cherry Pie Pan

There's more contention than one might expect from cherry pie pans.
Boyne City, Michigan

Sunset Park Ice Pole

Every winter, water dripping from a pole creates an ever-changing ice sculpture.
Marquette, Michigan


Large one-man sculpture park in Michigan.
Mackinac County, Michigan

The Mackinac Bridge

The fifth-longest suspension bridge the world, connecting one Michigan peninsula to another.
Traverse City, Michigan

Traverse City State Hospital

Former self-sufficient mental institution now a planned community.
Cross Village, Michigan

Legs Inn

Legs Inn provides Polish food, a cornucopia of Native American artwork, wood carvings, and mounted deer heads.
Kaleva, Michigan

The Bottle House

House built with over 60,000 glass bottles.
Traverse City, Michigan

The Hippie Tree

Though its branches are painted bright colors by generations of locals, the tree is said to be a haunted portal to hell.