shamblalex's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Cairns, Australia
Places added to Sapporo, Japan
Places edited in Sapporo, Japan
Places visited in South Yorkshire, England
Places visited in Myrtleford, Australia
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North Fremantle, Australia

Dingo Flour Sign

Visible from both land and sea.
Fremantle, Australia

Rainbow Sea Container

This work of public art symbolizes the maritime history and the modern creative industry in Fremantle.
Rottnest Island, Australia

Wadjemup Lighthouse

Ships still use this historic lighthouse to navigate dangerous, island waters.
Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington Cable Car

New Zealand's only running funicular railway.
Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington Writers Walk

Quotes and poems etched on stone plaques are hidden along this waterfront walkway.
Wellington, New Zealand


The 16-foot sculpture of a hand looks out from his perch on top of an art gallery.
Wellington, New Zealand

Bucket Fountain

Referred to as "the crappiest fountain ever," this sculpture has been splashing unknowing passersby since 1969.
Wellington, New Zealand

Taranaki Wharf Jump Platform

A winding staircase that appears to lead to nowhere is actually a diving platform into the Wellington Harbour.
Wellington, New Zealand

Hobbit Hideaway

This ledge in Victoria Park served as a hiding spot for Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin.
Wellington, New Zealand

Weta Cave

Inside this faux cave, visitors can learn how some of their favorite fantasy characters were created.
Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington Airport Runway

High winds can make this one scary landing.
Wellington, New Zealand


The world's first fully-fenced urban ecosanctuary is a haven for New Zealand's rare and endangered species.
Bulls, New Zealand

The Town of Bulls

The "punniest place on Earth” has nearly as many bull-themed puns as it does people.
Raurimu, New Zealand

Raurimu Rex

A life-sized statue of a Tyrannosaurus rex made out of driftwood.
Ohakune, New Zealand

Ohakune Carrot

The largest model carrot in the world.
Taihape, New Zealand

Gumboot Capital of the World

Taihape's claim to fame is a fictional Kiwi farmer wearing gumboots.
Waitomo, New Zealand

Waitomo Glowworm Caves

Tubing through a cave lit with glowworms is a magical underground experience.
Te Pahu, New Zealand

Toothbrush Fence

Hundreds of toothbrushes hang from a wire fence along a quiet New Zealand road.
Tirau, New Zealand

Big Dog and Sheep

These two delightful animal-shaped buildings host a visitor center and wool shop.
Matamata, New Zealand


The real life Hobbiton, this sheep farm has been forever transformed since being built for The Hobbit film series.
Waiotapu, New Zealand

Devil's Bath

This electric green sulphur lake in New Zealand looks like a cartoonish radioactive dump site.
Rotorua, New Zealand


Major tourist destination known for its bubbling mud-pools and hot thermal springs.
Auckland, New Zealand

Sky Tower

A New Zealand communications tower stands as the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere.
Berriedale, Australia

Museum of Old and New Art (MONA)

This controversial museum includes such detested exhibits as a chocolate suicide bomber and fecal-smelling digestion machine.